Wednesday, October 31, 2007

President Bush Shows True Nature With Tantrum!

Yes America, our President has shown when he does not get what he wants, like a little spoiled child. He throws a tantrum. He has blamed our Democratic Congress of dong nothing, he has blamed our Senate of trying to withdraw and put our troops in harms way.

To be honest with our President, he should first know that he's the guy who has the power to veto any bill sent him by the Congress and yes, he has shown this power as we all are well aware of.

To my surprise as well, our Congress last week held its 943rd roll call vote of the year, breaking the previous record of 942 votes, a mark set in 1978. The vote was on a procedural motion related to a mortgage foreclosure bill. When the House adjourned on Oct. 4 for the long weekend, the chamber had reached 948 roll call votes, putting Democrats on pace to easily eclipse 1,000 votes on the House floor in 2007.

Mr. President you should know Democrats in the Senate have trouble mustering 60 votes; they've fallen short 22 times so far this year. That is largely why they have not been able to deliver on their campaign promises. So it seems they are trying to do their job, but your Republican party Senators are impeding this process by blocking Democratic bids, you know with those darn filibusters and just not allowing the Senate to do anything with delaying tactics.

We see what a spoiled President, who is use to Republicans giving him exactly what he wanted when they were in charged of both House and Senate. He cannot seem to handle rejection and start to blame all in his path with his tantrum type of scene.

Is this behavior appropriates for a President, what say you?


Mary Ellen said...

I agree, Bush is a spoiled child who keeps insisting Congress sends him a "clean bill", which means he wants everything he asked for.

However, I blame Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for not being good leaders. Why are we continually short of enough votes to be veto proof? Why can't Nancy get these Bush dog Democrats and REAL conservatives to vote her way? I don't think either one of them have the leadership ability to get the job done. It's such a disappointment.

Robert Rouse said...

Larry, I love watching Keith. I get a kick out of Keith. That said, he is obviously among the MSM who have anointed Hillary Clinton as the presumptive candidate for the Democratic Party.

Anytime Obama says anything about Hillary, Keith blasts him. He needs to get rid of this pro-Hillary stance to get back to my full good graces.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi all, once again I had to put the moderator on at this site. Someone just continues to put their advertisement on my older sites daily. Sorry, but this had to be done.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Marry Ellen, you are so correct. This President is looking for Congress to give him what he wants as if he is some type of child.

Hi Robert Rouse, you may be on to something. I will start watching to see if that is what Olbermann is doing and if so, I'll be with you on that matter.

Anonymous said...

It's sad, because many will buy into Bush's "Congress is bad" story line, because it's an easier sell to make. Most people don't realize that the Senate is virtually deadlocked because of its rules, with the Democrats unable to pass much of anything they want. Hopefully, people see beyond the easy pander and realize that it was Bush who got the country in this mess and electing someone who will simply continue his policies is madness.

LET'S TALK said...

You are so right Andy, lot of diehards will buy what Bush is selling as usual.

I've said it as well that a lot of what is not done can only fall on the shoulder of the Republican party and this stubborn President.

Fran said...

I just grow so tired of Bush and his BS.

Keith really calls him out. I often don't get to watch the show so thanks for posting this stuff.

LET'S TALK said...

You are so very welcome franiam. Olbermann really does what no other does when it comes to saying just what this President is and what he's about.

Mary Ellen said...

andy- You're right about the Senate being deadlocked so getting a supermajority is pretty tough, especially with Lieberman. However, Congress has a big enough majority that if they could get more done. Unfortunately we have a leader like Nancy Pelosi who doesn't seem to have the ability to get her party to unite. When she pulls stupid stuff like forcing Stark to apologize, therefore humiliating him in front of his colleagues, she will never be able to get them to work for her.

Reid is a little better, but oftentimes gives up too easily.

We don't have leadership and a majority without leadership is worthless, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Olbermann really does what no other does when it comes to saying just what this President is and what he's about.

I agree. However, I think that Bill Moyers does an even better job.

LET'S TALK said...

Nanajo, I forgot about Mahers, you are right.

Mary Ellen, I think we need a truly out numbered House and Senate of Democrats to change what has been going on.

Anonymous said...

Chimpy has always been a crybaby who has to have his own way. Has anyone forgotten how miffed he was back in 2004, when Kerry dared say discouraging things in front of him?

To have this man in any kind of a leadership position speaks volumes about how f'd up our political process it. He isn't fit to manage a Burger King-and yet, look where he is. And the Chimpleton "twenty percenters" still worship him like he's some kind of earthly Deity.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, Let's Talk, there's also Bill Maher.. the commedian. But Bill Moyers is the best because his news program, NOW, is very serious and high level.

LET'S TALK said...

I agree JollyRoger, they did the same for Reagan as well.

LET'S TALK said...

I am sorry Anajo, I for some reason just thought about Mahers and Real Time.

As for as Moyer goes, he is really serious and I follow him at times. I guess I had better start paying more attention to his News program.

Candace said...

Probably the puppet-master, Cheney, told Bush to come out swinging against Congress for not doing it's job to take advantage of the fact that Congress's approval rating is lower than Bush's.

Yes, Bush acts like a spoiled brat, but I think it's far deeper than that. I believe the man is a true sociopath who is incapable of dealing with criticism. That's probably why his handlers so carefully orchestrate his appearances - his audiences are hand-picked, and he is not allowed to see demonstrators on his way to and from these events (They are purposely kept out of his view.) Obviously, his handlers know what a sick man they're dealing with. Yet they support him because he's such a good little puppet (with the proper care and feeding, of course.)

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Candace, I wonder if the durgs he take make him act this way. I think I will look into that.

Robert Rouse said...

Larry, on last evening's show, Keith was talking to Craig Crawford about Hillary's faux pas during the debate and actually came up with some lame excuse for why Hillary did it and said that everyone was making too much out of it and that she had stated her position pretty good. I just don't understand why his nose is so far up Hillary's butt.

LET'S TALK said...

Robert, I think Hillary is his choice for President. There are some that have made that decision and just maybe Olbermann is one of them.

If this is true, then I feel that there's a problem here as well as misleading those who watch his show.

Candace said...

LT, his drugs (whatever they are) may or may not affect his behavior; I don't know. However, his sociopathy was evident even in childhood, presumably when he was drug free. I think the man is a true, born sociopath.

LET'S TALK said...

Candace, you just might be right. After observing what he said yesterday about a Attorney General and all.

This man actual said that if the Congress doesn't confirm his nominee, there want be a Attorney General.

He talked about how important a Attorney General was during a time of war, yet he will not submit another nominee if the Senate doesn't confirm Mukasey.

Anonymous said...

Bush is a sociopath. Once this is understood and accepted nothing he does is surprising. In fact, everything he does is straight out of a Psychology textbook.

This is how anti-socials act. They have no conscience, empathy or remorse, they're grandiose, and they accept zero responsibility for their actions.

LET'S TALK said...

I'm sold fairlane, I can agree to that.

Mauigirl said...

I agree about Bush being a sociopath. His behavior is so irrational and non-reality-based.

LET'S TALK said...

He must also be on drugs as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most here in saying Keith rules, I really like his style of journalism.

Having said that I will say that if folks watch Bush enough they can easily see how immature he really is, but as some has said to the affect what we really lack are leaders, this is something America is really hurting for these days is leadership.

I have a little more hope in this state since the GOP incumbent was defeated by a 60/40 margin and it gives me hope that McConnell could be more vulnerable than people think, I would hope that the public get more involved in just how these guys are voting that are supposed to be representing the people.

This latest SCHIP vote I think on Nov RD., Both Senators from Kentucky who happen to be Republicans and are representing one of the poorest states stood flatly on the side of the Medical Juggernaut in voting against it, to which I posted it hoping that as many as can to view just where these people stand that are supposed to be representing the American people.

LET'S TALK said...

Just 14 more months of Bush and that's too long. I hope that you guys could do something about McConnell as well next year.

two crows said...

'Just 14 more months of Bush'
I HOPE you're right, LT--
my fear is that Cheney will appoint Bush pres for life. then, ALL our asses are grass.

LET'S TALK said...

two crows, I hope that Conyers does something about Cheney for us.