Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The My Way Or No Way Guy Has Spoken!

Bush said he favored a plan that focuses on children looking within themselves and using the power of positive thought to avoid major ailments like cancer and minor illnesses.

It's either his way or no way, and that's not acceptable!


Mary Ellen said...

This whole thing just sickens me. It seems although the Senate has enough votes to override Bush's veto on the SCHIP, the House doesn't. What is wrong with these people?

I think any Democrat what doesn't vote to override the veto should be publicly chastised by the Democratic Party leadership.

LET'S TALK said...

I'm with you on this one Mary Ellen and I used the quote in one of your comments in this post title and post.

Anonymous said...

Well Clinton voted for the Kyle- LIEbermann crap which gives Bush the go ahead to bomb Iran, Obama was too much of coward to even vote. So that leaves Edwards, Biden or Richardson... But Richardson supports the death penalty. So I guess that leaves Biden and Edwards, and I'm sure that there are undesirable aspects about them.

And I'm upset that the SCHIP proposal left out immigrant children.

Anonymous said...

That's really sad. Those children have just been stabbed in the back by their hero and they don't even know it yet.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi ThanKwee-Anajo, there is a long time before the nominee is selected for us.

It's funny, but I just do not really have a say about whom the nominee will be. By the time I finally think I have an ideal about whom I wish to vote for. That process is already decided.

As for Bush and the Health care veto. It's a sad thing period.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Tom Harper, they have been stabbed in the back, but I doubt if Bush is their hero.

pissed off patricia said...

Every time you think it's as bad as it can get, you're wrong.

There is no excuse for heartless behavior.

LET'S TALK said...

Heartless behavior from a so called Christian, pissed off patricia.

Candace said...

All the soccer moms who support this administration should get into their SUVs and drive down to the ER of their local county hospital, then stand there at triage and PERSONALLY turn away all those sick and injured children.

Thankwee-anajo, in defense of Obama on the Kyle-Liebermann crap, I don't think it was a lack of courage that kept him away that day. Since he knew the vote wouldn't be close, he apparently decided to continue with his schedule. However, on the child healthcare issue, where the vote was very close, he cancelled his scheduled appearance on The View so that he could attend and cast his vote. I'm giving him some slack on this. I hope you'll reconsider, but of course understand if not.

LET'S TALK said...

Candace, I don't think you will find many that agree with this decision on health for our kids.

E.Michael Liu said...

give them time, the democrats know why they were elected.they will do whats is right.

LET'S TALK said...

I hope so Emmanuel M Liu.

In_Flight said...

Oh my god, I want to barf now. Talk about lousy PR. "I want to play football with him",isn't that the problem? we're more concerned about empty suits?

Lizzy said...

Wow, great ad. Thanks for posting it.

LET'S TALK said...

The problem phil_in_ny, is Bush.

Thank you Lizzy.

equestrian1 said...

We need universal, European-style healthcare!

I think we will get it but we will have to make sure that Bush and all his ilk are totally discredited, disgraced and run out of national politics.

With their help, I think we can and will do it! ;0)

LET'S TALK said...

equestrian1, I concur, as of 09 Bush and a lot of his friends will be out of national politics.