I've visited a lot of Atheists site recently and they all dismiss Jesus and God.
I have a question for all Atheists:
How did the Universe create an ideal world for intelligent life to appear and evolve with no other such world like it in existence?
I have a question for all Atheists:
How did the Universe create an ideal world for intelligent life to appear and evolve with no other such world like it in existence?
How do you know that there are "no other such worlds like it in existence"?
And your question reminds me of what someone once said about puddles--if they could talk, they might claim that the holes they were designed, because they fit perfectly in their holes in the ground!
Regardless to what puddles might say, you still never answered the question.
To answear a question with a question, only avoids the question.
Unlike you I'll give you the answer to what I think of what you just asked.
The anthropic principle states that there might be many possible worlds and that we are a inevitable product of the universe.
Where are those worlds? The Copenhagen interpretation suggest that those worlds are ghosts worlds interacting.
If there are other worlds please let me know of them and if this world is created from just the right matter at just the right time, how then did it form intellectual beings with the ability to evolve and function.
I have as of yet seen are heard of another such world.
You ask for proof of God, but not proof of another such world or even how this one just happen to be from what ever matter formed it.
How utterly bizarre.
You now seem to be using the word "world" to mean "universe", when your actual blog post clearly used "world" to mean something within the universe.
Your blog post asked: "How did the Universe create an ideal world for intelligent life to appear and evolve with no other such world like it in existence?"
I take that to mean, "how did the universe create only one planet (Earth) which is suitable for intelligent life to arise?"
And in that sense, your question is a case of begging the question. You assumed that there IS only one planet where life can arise. And therefore it is entirely appropriate for me to answer your question with a question.
The Multi Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is entirely irrelevant to this question.
If you want to avoid confusion, then ask a question that doesn't lead to confusion. Your original question is not clear, and hardly even parses as grammatical English.
A simple question that turns into you analyzing the structure of my sentence, still leaves the question that you can't answer.
How did the Universe create an ideal world for intelligent life to appear and evolve with no other such world like it in existence?
Have you stopped beating your wife? Also a simple question. I'll answer your question when you answer that question.
Look up "fallacy of complex question" and get back to me.
My reasoning seems to be just fine, but to keep the insults down I'll ask the question your way.
How did the universe create only one planet (Earth) which is suitable for intelligent life to arise?
Now can you answer the question?
No, I still can't answer the question, since it is exactly equivalent to the "have you stopped beating your wife?" question.
Here is why--how do you know that the universe has only one planet suitable for life?
There are trillions upon trillions of stars in the observable universe, and we haven't even managed to observe much of our own solar system up close. What makes you think that there are no other planets suitable for life, anywhere in the universe?
I'll just take the beating your wife thing as a joke for the moment.
Our universe has just enough mass and energy to support the evolving life that we know of.
There's the constant dark energy acting like anti-gravity, driving the universe to accelerate its expansion. If the dark energy had been the dominated energy we couldn't have life here on this planet because the universe would have expanded too fast.
Do you really feel that there might be this same occurance elsewhere?
I don't know if there is another planet in the universe that has evolved intelligent life. I'd be rather astounded if there weren't, though.
The "have you stopped beating your wife?" question is a standard one, used as an example of a fallacious question. It assumes a situation in the question that might not actually obtain. It isn't meant as a personal insult.
Your question assumed that there is absolutely not any other planet in the universe that has evolved life. So you're making a rather large assumption there, and then trying to make it seem as if atheists are obligated to answer that question.
The universe began with a large explotion that triggered space and time and created all the matter and energy in the universe.
What caused this large explotion is a mystery, not even science can give us the true answer.
To dismiss God because you have yet to see him or say that Jesus never was here is just crazy.
How can you go with the big bang theory when you don't even know what caused it.
How can you say that maybe there might be life in this universe or another galaxy.
You can't see God and you can't see the galaxy 14 billion or so years away, but you think or know that they are out there.
What I know is that there is a God and he's not 14 billion light years away.
"The universe began with a large explotion that triggered space and time and created all the matter and energy in the universe."
I assume you mean "explosion". And no, the big bang wasn't an explosion, it was a period of rapid expansion of space and time. And it was the beginning of the *observable* universe. We simply don't know if there was anything before the big bang.
"What caused this large explotion is a mystery, not even science can give us the true answer."
How do you know that science cannot give us a true answer? The inflationary hypothesis of cosmology posits an answer, involving quantum fluctuations.
"To dismiss God because you have yet to see him or say that Jesus never was here is just crazy."
That's a complete non sequitur. I have no evidence that any gods exist. I think Jesus likely existed, but so have billions of men.
"How can you go with the big bang theory when you don't even know what caused it."
Because we have irrefutable evidence that all galaxies are moving away from each other. Run that backwards, and you get the Big Bang, approximately 15 billion years ago.
"How can you say that maybe there might be life in this universe or another galaxy."
There doesn't seem to be anything miraculous about life occurring here on Earth, so there's no reason to assume it won't exist somewhere else. The universe is a big place.
"You can't see God and you can't see the galaxy 14 billion or so years away, but you think or know that they are out there."
Not only can't I see this "God", you can't even say what this "God" is made out of, nor give a coherent definition for what it is. And yes, we can see galaxies that are billions of light-years away.
"What I know is that there is a God and he's not 14 billion light years away."
No, you *believe* there's a God, that's all. And I thought the Christian God was supposed to be everywhere? So why isn't he 14 billion light years away? He can't hitchhike on a spaceship to get there?
If you want to discuss the issue of atheism further, come to www.iidb.org and register. I won't be posting any more on your blog.
Yes I ment explosion. The big bang was an explosion and there had to be a cause for this explosion. It didn't just happen from nothing.
The inflationary hypothesis of cosmology posits that you speak of is just a guess, a process. Where and what was this energy (Process).
Just as you have no proof of God, there's no proof of any inflation in the mist of nothing.
Then you make a false statement about galaxies are moving away from each other, when it is well known that our Milky Way Galaxy might collide are be swallowed up by The Andromedia Galaxy.
There wasn't a galaxy to cause a big bang and our planets are not moving away from one another they are constantly expanding.
Thanks for correcting my spelling on explosion and thanks for making your comments here.
Have a great life and check on those facts.
If god created the universe, what created god?
A believer might answer that god is the ultimate truth and cannot have a creator.
A non-believer might answer that the universe is an ultimate truth and cannot have a creator.
Neither have managed to answer the question.
The debate boils down to faith.
Some people need faith in god, others need faith in their not being a god.
Personally I don't know whether there is or isn't a god, and really don't care.
I cant tell you to care or not, but how can you not wonder how the universe began to exist and was created out of nothing.
It just came from a big bang...a big bang of what?
There had to be a cause, if there was no God, space or time, then how in the world could the universe come to exist?
Some try to say the Big Bang Theory created matter from nothing.
How could nothing create anything, if there's not a cause or nothing to create it?
Re: your statement about galaxies not spreading further apart and you suggesting that kelly check her facts...
Apparently NASA does not agree with you. You can check your facts on the following:
On expanding universe...
On galaxies and collisions due to gravitational pulls on each other...
Then again... Those NASA kooks would like us to believe they landed a craft and had men walking on the moon. : P
The statement I made, "Then you make a false statement about galaxies are moving away from each other, when it is well known that our Milky Way Galaxy might collide are be swallowed up by The Andromedia Galaxy."
I thought i was finished with this arguement.
Short Video
Universe Timeline
The Big Bang:
The universe began with a vast explosion that generated space and time, and created all the matter and energy in the universe. Exactly what triggered this sudden expansion remains a mystery. Astronomers believe it involved a runaway process called "inflation," in which a peculiar type of energy that existed in the vacuum of space was suddenly mobilized. The inflationary expansion ended only when this energy was transformed into more familiar forms of matter and energy.
Galaxies Collide:
Astronomers estimate that in about three billion years, our Milky Way galaxy will be swallowed up by one of its nearest neighbors, a large galaxy named Andromeda that lies 2.2 million light years away. Depending on their pathways, these two galaxies will either merge into a single gigantic galaxy or rip each other apart, sending millions of stars like our Sun hurling into space. One such titanic collision involving four galaxies, 300 million light years away, is pictured at left.
Here's some other facts.
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