Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Say hello to my new renter, IIQ ILLUSIONS AND ALLUSIONS.


Unknown said...

Howdy all - thanks Lets Talk for the rent!

Slightly different perspective on politics with completely different politicians...

LET'S TALK said...

Well it's ok to have different perspectives on politics and so. I like to feel that I'm beyond that, and as a person I can take your views and even put them on my site. The wrost thing that I can think of is trying to stop freedom of speach by any political party.

Unknown said...

I am glad that we are in agreement on that (although I apologise for probably having my most contencious post as my first for the new rental).

I believe it is more than freedom of speech in so far as if you do not challenge your own beliefs with equal arguments from others then you cannot truely know why you hold those views / beliefs. Understanding how and why people do not think the same as yourself is far more important than discovering why people do think the same way.

I hope to see you at illusions and allusions again!

Unknown said...

PS - I love some of the customisations you've made in your template - especially around the permalink page; Can I get a copy?

LET'S TALK said...

You can right click and view source and feel free to use anything that you wish, If you need the original, just ley me know.

Unknown said...

Hi Larry,
I might take you up on the offer of the original - it makes sorting out the meta-tags alot easier! (And means I might finally figure out how to get this page looking like the main one...)