Saturday, April 28, 2007

Say It Ant So George

See Original Story

According to the Washington Post, While television sets worldwide showed images of New Orleans residents begging to be rescued from rooftops as floodwaters rose, U.S. officials turned down countless offers of allied troops and search-and-rescue teams. The most common responses: "sent letter of thanks" and "will keep offer on hand," the new documents show.

Overall, the United States declined 54 of 77 recorded aid offers from three of its staunchest allies: Canada, Britain and Israel, according to a 40-page State Department table of the offers that had been received as of January 2006.

You've just got to read this story to believe it...In one exchange, State Department officials anguished over whether to tell Italy that its shipments of medicine, gauze and other medical supplies spoiled in the elements for weeks after Katrina's landfall on Aug. 29, 2005, and were destroyed. "Tell them we blew it," one disgusted official wrote. But she hedged: "The flip side is just to dispose of it and not come clean. I could be persuaded."

Now I ask, how much lower can these people go... what say you?


People in the Sun said...

From what I've heard from my parents back in Israel, Bush also refused help from Israel after 9/11, even though, unfortunately, Israel has a lot of experience in digging for bodies and searching for survivors (and Israeli groups are always found doing just that after every major natural disaster around the world). Just another example of the arrogant Clint-Eastwood-rides-alone mentality of this administration.

LET'S TALK said...

I am really in shock, I cant believe this type of thing has went on in this country.

LET'S TALK said...

It seems the "libral MSM" did some poor reporting up to this point.

Why are these things just coming to light?

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, welcome to the Reconstitution blogroll.

ParisL0ve2 said...

Add me to the category of Not Shocked!! After all, Bush acts like the Gulf Coast doesn't even exist, especially New Orleans. He's made reference to that area of the country as "that part of the world." Nobody dared to tell him that "that part of the world" is part of his own damn country.

Also, Bush's mother who I like to refer to as Mama Quaker because she looks like the Quaker Oats guy, (is that an insult to the Quaker Oats man?) said that the Katrina evacuees in Houston had it good living in the dome. Never mind that they were separated from their family and were otherwise being treated like dog poo on the bottom of a shoe.

The response or lack of response to Hurricane Katrina will go down in history as the most disgusting display of what the American government truly thinks of its people. That is unless they do something else between now and whenever.

They didn't care if people lived or died. They don't even care now. All they care about is rebuilding certain places so they can bring their rich fat-cat friends in to buy it all up.

They refused aid in all forms from many countries, if not all of them. While people were dying, Kinda Sleazy Rice (that's Condi Rice) was too busy shopping for shoes to be bothered. No lie!!

So no, it doesn't surprise me in the least bit!!

LET'S TALK said...

jollyroger, I really cant believe that America was offered help in money, medical supplies, oil and just about every way that can be, by so many countries and our MSM did not even let us know this until now.

Why did this Administration screw this type of thing up so bad?

LET'S TALK said...

parislove2, I am shocked and confused, really I am. Why did this help just fly by this Administration when the people of New Orleans is still catching it trying to recover.

This is down right crazy!

Anonymous said...

Also, Bush's mother who I like to refer to as Mama Quaker because she looks like the Quaker Oats guy, (is that an insult to the Quaker Oats man?)

Yes, it is.

Tom Harper said...

Katrinagate is the gift that keeps on giving. Years from now we'll probably still be uncovering new horrifying scandals relating to it.

And this isn't a bit surprising. New Orleans represents everything that decent Godfearing Republicans hate. It's decadent, it's mostly Black and it's the birthplace of that Devil's jazz and blues music. Hurricane Katrina was God's Will.

Barbara Bush's picture seems to be everywhere: the Quaker Oats container, the one dollar bill...

Who Hijacked Our Country

FunkyTown Fighter said...

It doesn't surprise me that this MURDERER refused help from other countries and various forms of aid. That is what war-mongering Assholes like him live for! Katrina was just one more way for him to kill people without actually "Pulling the trigger" so to speak. This Bastard needs to be tried for abuse of power, and war crimes. Allowing a member of the military to be killed by "friendly fire" and then claiming to not know what happened all the while your covering it up is a crime. He needs to be brought to justice and quick!

LET'S TALK said...

I do not know why this country tried to hang former President Clinton on sex and this President gets away with MURDER!

Ron said...

"Allies offered $854 million in cash and in oil that was to be sold for cash. But only $40 million has been used so far for disaster victims or reconstruction[.]"

Just when I think BushCo couldn't possibly be any more arrogant or any more incompetent, along comes this.

LET'S TALK said...

I thought the same thing ron.

Bob said...

Not shocking, typical. New Orleans can't benefit bush so they're not or never has been a priority. Aid to New Orleans from other countries would underscore just how bad HE was doing in aiding them. Typical "decider" mentality. After all aid is usually given to underdeveloped countries, right? We're Bush's America, we dont need no stinkin help cause bush takes care of us (choke,gag)

pissed off patricia said...

I posted about this too. It's an awful shame and yet no one will have to pay for their crimes.

LET'S TALK said...

Bob: I can see your point-- with George in office , what type are country are we now?

pissed off patricia: Yes I left a comment at your site about this story.

1138 said...

"Why are these things just coming to light?"

They aren't the noise level is finally low enough for you to hear it.

But also in part FCC regulations have canged over the last couple of decades and news is no longer a mandated product for the networks.
That means news has to compete with Desperate housewives for revenue to do the news with - that has a big impact on the quality of the news we get - and it's not a positive impact.