Bush submitted the spending request to Congress, for more than $300 million for construction of permanent bases in Iraq. Did you know that America, Lets Talk.
Bush has also argued that the bill from the war can be paid by a growing economy. While he's correct that the U.S. economy has grown, it hasn't kept pace with a skyrocketing deficit. During his time in office, Bush has presided over a 46 percent increase in the federal debt, from $5.6 trillion to $9 trillion. Given this dire situation, it's hard to see how Bush can argue that the long-term costs of the Iraq War, estimated at $1-2 trillion, can be paid for by future generations.
This is the fault of every American who believed his lies for this war. Just think if a honest President was in office during 9/11, Osama would have been caught or killed.
I'm tired of talking about this President and what he has done to this country and the deficit. Just click the photo of Bush on the left, taking from bushflash.com, and you will see just what I'm trying to say.
It's about time that we as a country of American citizens stop being fooled and see the truth. This President has done nothing good for this country since 9/11.
We should not allow this President, Congress and Senate to lie anymore for the sake of terrorist, and their slogan to stop them over there, so that we don't have to fight them over here.
How can we keep believing this when our borders are not protected and our ports go unchecked by this Administrations.
When will we the people get a back bone and stop this man who wish to be King and his court?