Thursday, August 16, 2007

Free Virus Removal Tools

Click logo to go to download page

I don't know about you, but I am tired of going to a site and picking up spam or a virus. My son was using my computer the other day and when I did a clean up of my computer I ran into a worm called, Win32.Brontok.A. This virus originated from Indonesia and get's into your e-mail continuously sending out information and complying your information. Such as pass words, etc.

There's all types of worms out there, so the site I've decided to refer to those that are interested can get the tools to remove such worms that might end up on your computer.

Compare bitdefender to other virus software. See Review


Chandira said...

I can never understand why people are so malicious. Thanks for the link. :-)

PoliShifter said...

I am really getting sick and tired of the viruses, spam, comment spam, spam trackbacks, vicscious pop ups and pop unders, sites telling you your active x is out dated, to click here and update it (really it means click here and get tons of virus), or that your computer is comprimised, or all the other bullcrap these thugs do.

I'm all for an open and free internet with freedom of speech, etc.

But you would think there would be something the authorities could do without trampling on the rights of the rest of us.

As time goes on, as we all get older and more and more people are born with the internet, I suspect that some issues will get resolved.

But I am so tired of viagra, porn, ambien, and all the other crap these pond scum keep pushing.

Larry said...

Thanks for the link as it seems the normal programs really only partially work.

Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to judge the credibility of the so-called worm and virus removal sites since a large number of them are themselves scams that just install more malware on your machine.

I prefer the more proactive approach of a high-quality firewall/virus scanning package. Trend Micro's PCcillin is my firewall of choice.

As for ActiveX, just turn the damn thing off. Java as well, for both IE and Firefox. For that matter, stop using Internet Exploder entirely, the program is almost malware all by itself.

Just my $.02.

LET'S TALK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LET'S TALK said...

Excuse me, I had to erase my last comment because of wrong site given.

Normally I comment at the end, or what I think is the end of comments about software.

Kavtch, you made the following statements: "It is very difficult to judge the credibility of the so-called worm and virus removal sites since a large number of them are themselves scams that just install more malware on your machine."

"I prefer the more proactive approach of a high-quality firewall/virus scanning package. Trend Micro's PCcillin is my firewall of choice."

Yes sometimes it's true that the places that one goes to for help are sometimes filled with more spam and such.

You said that you use Trend Micro, you will find that bitdefender ranks higher than the software that you are using and just as good if not better. See Review.
Bitdefender has help for those who don't have the software to eliminate worms or a virus, they are as "high-quality" of firewall/virus scanning software as any other.

In_Flight said...

Yeah, I get that sometimes to. Since I installed a spyware program, it doesn't seem to bother me as much.

Tom Harper said...

Good information; I'll check that out. I have Norton Internet Security and AdAware. I used to have SpySweeper but it always made the computer run very sloooowly so I didn't renew it when it expired.

Who Hijacked Our Country

1138 said...

I'm partial to the AVG products myself - check them out if you have time.

Also Comodo firewall, with outbound protection so that you have more control of what your computer might be doing in the world without your permission.

1138 said...

polshifter - it's those buts that always start us down the slippery slopes

Responsible admins can block a lot of the trash, but corporate processes have pulled back the teeth on admins doing proactive blocking.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks 1138. Great information and reference on AVE. The software is even free for those you might need it!