Friday, August 31, 2007

Conyers: Impeachment Not Off My Table

See Original Story

Rep. John Conyers declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could not stop him from beginning impeachment proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee against a 'long list of people'in the Bush administration, although he did not make a firm commitment to begin proceedings.

"Nancy Pelosi has impeachment 'off the table,' but that's off her table, it is not off John Conyers' table," the Michigan Democrat said during a town hall meeting in his district Tuesday. "Nancy Pelosi, who I actually supported, cannot prevent me from introducing an impeachment resolution against, well I've got a long list of people who are eligible."

Starting this September, hundreds of impeachment activists are expected to descend on Pelosi's office next month to pressure the House Speaker to allow impeachment proceedings.

Just maybe someone will persuade Conyers or Pelosie to do what the American citizens want for a change and start impeachment of this administration before it's too late.

What say you?


Larry said...

If Pelosi tried to stop Conyers then we need to pressure them to impeach her.

Parson said...

Good for Conyers, at least one Democrate hasn't totaly let us down.

Anonymous said...

I say "Stepnfetchit" Reid and "Pliant" Pelosi will slow it down with every trick they can think of.

Mary Ellen said...

Am I seeing a light at the end of a very long, dark, tunnel???!!??

I have to wonder where Nancy's been during her time off. I haven't heard anything about her meeting with constituents, which is what I thought they were supposed to do during these recesses. I wish someone who slap that girl and tell her to wake up. She's embarrassing all us women who were so proud to see her in such a high position. She's acting weak-just what we don't need.

enigma4ever said...

I think Conyers had done a pretty good job, and he rocked in the Hearings this summer....esp about the Atty Firings...but seriously we need Someone to leave Impeachment on the table...I will never ever forgive Pelosi for throwing it "off the table" WTF???( she must be one crappy poker player- because anyone that plays poker or chess will tell you she should have left it on the table to hang over George and Dick's head...)

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Good for Conyers!!! Impeachment and and an ass whooping wouldn't be off my table either!!! What Shrub and his war-mongering friends have done to our country is a disgrace and they deserve alot more than to just be impeached!!! I would personally volunteer to knock sense into each one of them!!! Good post L.T.

LET'S TALK said...

Larry, that would be a great move.

You are right Parson, he hasn't as of yet.

jollyroger she has already slowed it down, you are right however she hasn't used every trick in the book yet.

Mary Ellen, I guess we will find out this September exactly where she's going.

Enigma I think Pelosi let us all down by takeing impeachment off the table.

Thanks FunkyTown Fighter, you really know what to say and how to say it!

In_Flight said...

I'm glad to see a democrat with balls.

Mary Ellen said...


for some reason, what you just said just made me picture Conyers naked. Ewww....have to get that image out of my head!

Have a great Saturday, everyone!

Larry said...

Harry Reid wants to the compromise with the repugs on troop withdrawal, and Pelosi wants to protect Bush from being tried for his crimes.

What good are either one of them to us?

LET'S TALK said...

He and Waxman both have them phil_in_ny.

Mary Ellen, yes please get that out of your head and I'll say the same as you. Everyone have a great Saturday.

Larry, I just hope they both get it together and make some real important moves to stop this Iran train.

Tom Harper said...

Let's hear it for John Conyers. For once "a democrat with balls" isn't an oxymoron.

Who Hijacked Our Country

LET'S TALK said...

very well said tom.

Candace said...

I say, in Mr. Burns' voice,


LET'S TALK said...

Hi Candace, and welcome back to Let's Talk. You know, I've been meaning to add you to my Blog Links and as of today, I will.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

I say: Conyers, bring it to the American people!


Larry said...


Check out Naj's latest post with evidence against Bush's lies to war with Iran.

Naj and her husband are from Iran, but live here now.


LET'S TALK said...

Thanks Larry, I'll take a look at Neoresistance.

Lizzy said...

What say me? It's about f*cking time!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling pessimistic. I don't think that too many other congressmen/women will be willing to back him up in this endeavor.

I've always had a lot of respect for Conyers. I just wish that there were more like in in the Congress.

Mary Ellen said...


I agree...too many wimps won't sign on to impeach until the damage is so severe that we can't recover. I'm really disappointed in this group of Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Oh, me too Mary Ellen, very disappointed! :(

But then the best candidate is not always the one who gets elected. Take LIEberman for example!

pissed off patricia said...

Until they have some repub votes on their side, nothing can change no matter what Pelosi does.

Anonymous said...

What can we hope for? I hope that we do not invade Iran in any capacity and continue this horrid war against the wrong peoples.

A video that details the internal contradictions of Bush's Christian faith with his war-driven politics is below on this link:

Pass it along.