Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our Government Is Above The Law!

Jonathan Turley; “Well, it can mean a lot and that’s one of the reasons there’s a lot of people, both Democrats and Republicans, who don’t want to see it happen. They don’t want a court to say that the president did something that is a federal crime. That’s why they’re trying to get all these cases thrown out of court because it is rather clear that what the president ordered was a federal crime, clearly defined in federal law. But that causes a problem because many of the Democratic leaders and Republican leaders have promised each other that they would not start impeachment proceedings, but when a federal judge says the president committed a crime, it’s pretty darn hard to ignore that.”

The administration contends the warrantless surveillance of calls and e-mails is legal and necessary, but has not confirmed domestic calls and electronic communications are being monitored.

FISA requires the government to obtain court approval before conducting electronic surveillance on U.S. soil, even if the target is a foreign citizen in a foreign countr

President Bush and his administration has been using the “state secrets” defense in order to have federal law suits challenging their illegal eavesdropping programs thrown out of court.

Is this the reason Pelosi took impeachment off the table, did she and other Democrats make a deal with Republicans, not to impeach the President and if so why?

Have they kept the American people in the dark about the fact that it's OK for anyone in the government to commit a crime, but we, the American people have to pay for any such crime committed. Is our government above the law?

What say you?


Anonymous said...

In time of real national emergency, the constitution has always been thrown out the window. Abraham Lincoln ignored it, and so did FDR, but they had pretty good reasons for doing so.

What has been shocking to me is how easily the constitution was trashed for no good reason, and with the blessing of both parties!

I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end for America. When constitutional protections are reduced from firm guarantees to mere guidelines that can be ignored at will, we are no longer a free people.

LET'S TALK said...

As you stated Thomaslb, the constitution has been sent flying anytime the government needed to stop any law procedure that could find them guilty of crimes.

Mary Ellen said...

It seems as if the only ones that have to obey the law are those who are not in the government. They are above the law. Basically, it's a free for all in the White House, they can do whatever they want and there is nothing that our Congress , Senate, or Judiciary are going to do about it.

IMO, eventually there is going to be a revolt. I can't believe the American people are going to put up with this much longer, at least I hope not.

I think the one thing that needs to be done is to make sure that Nancy Pelosi is no longer House leader.

Anonymous said...

Chimpy has simply brought the guiding philosophy of his life to Government. Mommy and Daddy taught him long ago that he will never answer for anything wrong that he does, and he is just acting according to the story of his entire life.

Distributorcap said...

nothing surprises me anymore -- and the fact that a combination of spineless congresscritters and the Bush/Rove/Cheney emasculatization (in the generic sense) of Congress has led many to believe that

"this country is falling apart at the seams"

pissed off patricia said...

Seems under this administration it is.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Mary Ellen, great post at your site on the Republicans debate.

I think that the American people have been taking for a ride by the government, House, Senate and our Judicial system.

LET'S TALK said...

Distributorcap, this country is falling apart as fast as you can say criminals.

LET'S TALK said...

How true JollyRoger, this guy has had it his way forever.

LET'S TALK said...

It most definitely is pissed off patricia.

proudprogressive said...

If ever there was a time to donate to the ACLU -its now. This government has got a lot of splaining to do. And we need to get our Constitution out of the trash bin NOW. Impeach the Bastards say I !

LET'S TALK said...

Sai as well proudprogressive, but it seems that both parties made some type of agreement not to impeach this President.

Candace said...

Last night I had the pleasure, again, of telling the caller from the Democratic party that no, I will NOT be making a contribution unless and until impeachment is put on the table and they filibuster on spending for this war. She didn't sound surprised at all. I suspect they're hearing a lot of this - hope so, anyway.

In_Flight said...

That's crazy. I think its outrageous that they want a bill to pass that kills any sort of lawsuit against the Bush administration. But then again, why am I even surprised?

In_Flight said...

Candice, that's a great idea. I think I'll give that a try.

LET'S TALK said...

Great point Candace, this might slow those calls at the most.

LET'S TALK said...

phil_in_ny, Bush has had his way since he became President and the Democrats are helping as well.

Mary Ellen said...

Candace- You're so lucky to get someone calling you for a donation. I've been chomping at the bit to put my two cents in (opinion-not real pennies, they can't have even that much from me).

1138 said...

Candace, that's what I told them the last time they called me.
Guess what... they haven't called back in nearly a year.
They only hear us when we give them money.

The bad part in this is that so,e of this also happened during the Clinton years and that I believe is why there's a move on by both sides for a retroactive immunity.
In the Clinton years there were calls being sent out of the US to Canada so they could be intercepted on the way back in as technical way around the rules. It continued right on into the Bush administration.
It stinks.

Distributorcap said...


i didn the same thing --- they call and i said you will get MY money when you stop sending OUR money to Iraq --- the caller sighed -- i think they have been hearing that more and more

Mary Ellen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LET'S TALK said...

Thanks for the breaking news Mary Ellen. Outstanding!

dguzman said...

I'm guess I shouldn't be surprised that the govt has now placed itself above the law. Celebrities have been doing it for a while now, killing their wives or lovers, driving drunk and/or high, and then buying a lawyer to help them skate on the charges. BushCo and pals probably have at least as much money (thanks to the war) as Paris Hilton or OJ or whoever, so it stands to reason they would use that money to do what they want.

It's as though there's the real America, with you and me and all of us screaming about what's happening, and then there's the political America--these grinning liars and thieves running their own little show, completely ignorant of our presence.

Tom Harper said...

Yes, for all practical purposes, our government is above the law.

Who Hijacked Our Country

LET'S TALK said...

Hi dguzman and welcome to Let's Talk. I'm adding you to my Blog Link somtime today and will be over to your site later.

LET'S TALK said...

Yes they are Tom Harper.

Larry said...

Not all the government is above the law, only those who have the power to say what the law is.

LET'S TALK said...

Great point as always Larry.

Snave said...

Thomas is right in suggesting our current situation is not a real national emergency. Mary Ellen says there may eventually be a revolt. If so, I will see what I can do to drive across the country and help with marches on the White House... and if it is revealed that Pelosi has been making deals to not impeach, she herself should face impeachment.

Jollyroger, do you really think Dumbya feels entitled? Heh! Of course, we all think he feels that way. Mr. Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth can't understand anyone else who doesn't come from a similar background.

Candace, don't you think the Democratic party is losing lots of potential donations due to Pelosi keeping impeachment off the table? I have told them the same thing you have been telling them. The only one I would consider donating to at this point is Kucinich. I bet they are losing lots of money because of the Democratic Congress' "leadership in this area. It reminds me of the title of a collection of Dilbert cartoons: "Don't Step In The Leadership". I may have to also say what Distributorcap said too, that's a great idea!

Larry is right: "Not all the government is above the law, only those who have the power to say what the law is." Remember that incident where Tom DeLay was told to put out his cigar because it was against the law, and his response was "I AM the law"? What a turd. Glad he's out of the picture anyway, but there are so many others such as him in our government.

BTW, what is it with all these Republicans and their cigars?

Must be some kind of "fatcat" world that 99.99999% of the U.S. population is not a part of but that runs the country. Time for the revolt.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

In order for this charade to continue, it requires the complicit cooperation off all parties involved. Otherwise, it's physically impossible!

LET'S TALK said...

Snave, it beats me as to why Republican males smoke those cigars.

LET'S TALK said...

The Future Was Yesterday, I guess both parties seem to be much closer than we think.