Sunday, November 25, 2007


Miss Sherry Williams defends Halliburton's business dealings in Iran which began in 1978 long before sanctions against the country were enacted.

The construction and services company KBR, formally known as Kellogg, Brown and Root and a subsidiary of oil-services giant Halliburton until April, topped the list with more than 16 billion dollars in US contracts from 2004 to 2006.

Halliburton was led from 1995 to 2000 by Vice President Dick Cheney, one of the most hawkish voices in the administration of President George W. Bush in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Miss Williams was asked questions by Senator Byron Doron, who lets everyone know that Cheney still receives money from said company. I recall Pelosi being jumped all over for making a trip to Syria, a country our President deems a terrorist country.

How and why does our President and the Republican party not jump all over Vice President Cheney for receiving money from a company that was still dealing with Iran, another country our President has deemed a terrorist country?

Ms. Sherry Williams, Vice President and Corporate Secretary of Halliburton Company, says that Halliburton has followed U.S. law, will continue to follow it, and believes that it is the job of Congress to set foreign policy. She fails to mention that during the periods of said business with Iran, our Congress was run by a majority of Republicans. It gets worse!

Senator Sherrod Brown proceed to ask Ms. Williams questions and wonder why Halliburton could not follow the President and the Conservative loud lead of everyone having Patriotism and showing it.

One question America, why hasn't anyone question the patriotism of Vice President Cheney for continuing to accept money from such a company and where's the Patriotism of the President for allowing Halliburton to continue with their contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan?

To find the reasons to said questions, take a look at my other site
Let's Talk About It.


Mary Ellen said...

I'm so tired of seeing Halliburton get away with all of this. I hear Halliburton and I see Cheney with his grimy fingerprints all over it. We lost so many of our soldiers so Cheney could have a war to benefit his corporate buddies who receive their no bid contracts. It just sickens me.

Mary Ellen said...

Ooops...hit the publish comment button too soon.

Excellent post, Let's talk!

The Future Was Yesterday said...

"why hasn't anyone question the patriotism of Vice President Cheney"
Millions of us here, and elsewhere, have. For whatever reason, the good ole boy and girl club in Congress doesn't see it that way. One guy introduces Cheney impeachment proceedings, and Pelosi can't stomp it to death fast enough!
What is left to do, other than physically shoot the man?

Larry said...

They just gotta defend Halliburton, no matter how the masses feel.

Anonymous said...

What, you're expecting logic and consistency from Republicans? Yes, they should be jumping all over Cheney and Halliburton, as well as the Republican VIPs who accompanied Pelosi on her trip to Syria. But then, well, they're Republicans...

LET'S TALK said...

It sickens me as well Mary Ellen.

LET'S TALK said...

The Future Was Yesterday, these are indeed strange time we are going through.

At the end Bush and Cheney will have helped to unseat a lot of old Republicans from their throne.

There is no way the Republican Congress and Senate, can stay sitting with all the dirt they have ignored or done.

They are on their way out and they will leave slowly but surely.

LET'S TALK said...

Larry, there's a reason, and we are now finding out just why.

LET'S TALK said...

Tom Harper, those Republicans will pay a price during the next election.

Snave said...

If it has dollar signs on it, Cheney will be there.

LET'S TALK said...

With his heart being so bad, you would think this guy would take it easy.

Lizzy said...

Cheney's having heart problems today. I hope he doesn't get well soon.

E.Michael Liu said...

halliburton will go down just like enron. that will be the day to gloat.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Lizzy, I heard about his irregular heart beats today during his doctor visit.

LET'S TALK said...

I sure hope that day comes sooner than later Emmanuel M Liu.

s. douglas said...

I can't help but feel this is simply posturing by the Democrats.

Halliburton has ripped off tax payers to the tune of billions, and they continue receiving contracts.

They also fail to mention the other reason for having "foreign subsidiaries," Tax Evasion.

LET'S TALK said...

I hope that it's not fairlane.