Sunday, March 23, 2008

What Caused All Of This?

What say you?


Anonymous said...

I did a search once for a picture of a particular painting, and was surprised at all the variations in color and tone.

Photos and scanners- not to mention lighting- can make a huge difference.

LET'S TALK said...

I think Richardson may make a huge diference as well Thomaslb.

Anonymous said...

Also there are all sorts of ways in which the color rendering can go from accurate to inaccurate. Happens to me all the time when I'm working with images in Photoshop.

two crows said...

meanwhile, Richardson was sure right-on.
in fact that's the very reason I'm posting cute little pics on my blog these days. if we keep fighting among ourselves, we deserve what we get.

if McCain wins the presidency, we will have no one to blame but ourselves and our constant bickering.

Mauigirl said...

Over at Christopher's site, From The Left, he has posted latest Gallup polls showing Obama over Hillary after a brief slump during all this. I'm thinking it's his speech plus Richardson that made the difference.

PoliShifter said...

There is no doubt that there are still a few people in this country who will not vote for Obama because he is black.

If anyone darkens pictures on purpose those are the people they are trying to target.

TomCat said...

I think Richardson's endorsement is huge. As for the color variations, I have studied this one pretty thoroughly and found no reason to believe that it was intentionally retouched darker.

Anonymous said...

Richardson is the governor from my state. One thing that I share with him is that I am also from a bi-cultural bi-racial family, and so is Obama. Obama is going to be our nominee, no doubt about that in my mind, although I know that Hillary will fight this as long as she can hold on (although she's out of money last i heard).

LET'S TALK said...

two crows I agree with you, if we keep fighting among ourselves, McCain is what we deserve.

LET'S TALK said...

Mauigirl, I will take alook at that site and just say for now. I'm seeing a swing back towards Obama as well.

It's still early and the race has to play out at some point.

LET'S TALK said...

PoliShifter I agree with what you are saying 100%!

LET'S TALK said...

TomCat, I think Richardson's endorsement was huge as well.

About the diference in the picture colors of Obam, well I'll just say maybe it's just what it is and nothing more.

LET'S TALK said...

Anajo/Anijo/JoAnn, now you have brought some news that I didn't know.

I'll look for information about Hillary money and Obama's.

Mr. Natural said...

I don't trust HIllary or her husband as far as I could toss them. She is a conniving liar just as much as he is. She is not even in the league of smooth talkers as her husband. They are professional politicians and flim-flam artists from day one, and she has just proved over and over that she is an outright LIAR. "Mis-spoke", my aching ass. Besides all THAT, she voted FOR THE INSANE LIE-WAR. She is corporate (DLC) Democrat thru and thru.

Now to go back and click on some of the comment leavers' links! That can be so much fun...

LET'S TALK said...

Mr. Natural, Clinton reminds me of Bush when it comes to lying.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

I'm coming to believe, a very concerted effort on the pars of both sides, to keep us from worrying about the little things, like how to keep our house, pay our Hospital bill, is our country broke....all the nickel dime stuff.

Candace said...

Those are not identical pictures of Obama, so we don't know for sure if they were "doctored." Remember the two (identical) pics of O.J. Simpson? They were on the covers of two different magazines. One showed him with darker skin than the other, so obviously, one had been tampered with. I vaguely remember that one of the magazines issued an apology.

As to these Obama pictures - one time on an Oprah show, the subject was something like, how to get the best portrait made. She demonstrated how lighting makes a huge difference for people of color. If she stepped back from the television lights just a fraction, her skin looked much darker. I'm assuming that's the case with these two pics.

I'm absolutely thrilled with Richardson's endorsement! I just read that a top adviser to Romney just endorsed Obama, too!

LET'S TALK said...

The Future Was Yesterday, I'll be glad when all of this ie over. We really need someone who will do their best for this country and its people.

LET'S TALK said...

Candace, I really don't know about the pictures. there's just too much that can be done with a camera or some photo software.

I didn't know about the latest endorsement for Obama by a Romney supporter.