Gen. David Petraeus, has repeatedly said that the United States must wait until September to assess the success of the President’s escalation policy in Iraq. General Pace said the joint chiefs are developing their own report and thinking about another surge or a decrease in the Military troops in Iraq.
Reid accused conservatives of “protecting the President rather than protecting our troops” by “denying us an up or down vote on the most important issue our country faces.” He stated "We have no alternative except to keep them in session to explain their obstruction,"
Thanks to the Senate Republicans, most Americans now know the Senate needs 60 votes to over turn anything that President Bush wants to do and at this time this President will continue with his failed strategy and just might resurge the surge.
Reid accused conservatives of “protecting the President rather than protecting our troops” by “denying us an up or down vote on the most important issue our country faces.” He stated "We have no alternative except to keep them in session to explain their obstruction,"
Thanks to the Senate Republicans, most Americans now know the Senate needs 60 votes to over turn anything that President Bush wants to do and at this time this President will continue with his failed strategy and just might resurge the surge.
Thank you. I'm so sick and tired of people saying the Democrats let us down because they haven't ended the war yet. There are, after all, a few obstacles in the way.
The dems did NOT do what they should have done. As John Edwards said, they should have sent the exact same bill right back to the monkey. The American people WANTED them to, and would have backed them up. They also would undoubtedly have peeled off a few Goppers with each re-submission.
As far as putting more troops in? How?!? Are we going to round up Boy Scouts?
I'm with jollyroger how can we send in more troops when it has already been confirmed that the armed forces is not meeting their numbers in recruiting new soldiers? Hmm wonder why? Maybe because no one wants to lose their life for a LIE! I don't blame the Democrats for not being able to bring the troops home, I blame shrub & the rest of the war mongers that help keep this lie alive! I just hope that when this is all said and done we don't end up in more harm than what we started with. A recent report said the US was actually more vulnerable now than it was before 9-11. Why? Do the math, with most of our troops over seas who is left on the home front to defend us? As I mentioned earlier people are not running to join the Army or Marines now that is something to think about!!!!
I seem to remember when Republicans thought filibustering and flagburning were the 2 most unpatriotic anti-American things anybody could do. And now they've flip-flopped.
In answer to Jolly Roger's question: No problem, there are plenty of potential troops out there. Nursing homes, mental hospitals, prisons, homeless shelters...
Who Hijacked Our Country
kip152, it strange that othrs don't see why the Dems. couldn't do anything and just cant do much about impeachment.
Jolly, I agree about the Troops, I guess we will start up the draft when Bush is King.
FunkyTown Fighter, on my other site Let's Talk About It I talk about the report saying the US was actually more vulnerable now than it was before 9-11.
Tom Harper, I recall the last do nothing Senate crying about filibusters and how the Dems. were out of order. How times changes things.
Reid and Pelosi also aided Bush when they allowed funding of this war.
Let Bush continue to veto this bill, eventually people will be so sick of it, maybe they will finally rise against their Repug Congress and get something done.
larry about the only thing they can do is not vote fro them in 08. Until then we are stuck with what the majority of the people voted into the House and Senate.
Hey guys, yep i am watching the whole thing too, and with that education bill today, brought tears to my eyes..these are the democratic values i love...and guess what else WE at notes got our READ MORE here code fixed !!! it will not take so long to load. I do agree i wantedt to see them the dems make the thugs filabuster till everyone could finally see that the repugs are lying manipulators (and so much more) but Reid did pull the defense auth bill - the power of the purse. I do want to have hope. Even if it is dashed again..and even Snow said , that the defense Auth is never passed to Oct.
i am a dreamer..and i realize everyday is MORE bloodshed. Believe Reid got calls today. oh yeah
there is hope.
proudprogressive, even though this all-nighter was a bust, I think that it gave America a chance to see how these Republicans will fly off a cliff with this President.
We got a chance to see that they will tell us how much they are now against this war or how this President screwed it up. When it came down to actually doing something about it, they went back to giving this President whatever he wants.
I don't see how anyone in their right mind can vote for GOP after all this mess made by this administration!
It's sad to say Q, but we still have those die hard Republicans that believe their party and their President can do no wrong.
Exactly, Let's Talk!
It's about bloody time that Americans reacquaint themselves with their Constitution and how the three branches of their government work.
you are right on the money mentarch.
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