Monday, October 06, 2008

Olbermann's Special Comment On Gov. Palin

Olbermann gave a special comment on Gov. Palin. He talked about Joe Vogler and Palins husband and the secession they seeked for Alaska, and how Gov. Palin read an infinity number of news papers.

Palin said that she had heels on and taking off the gloves, trying to be the hatchet person to smear Obama, yet she does not seem to realize exactly what she and McCain holds in their dirty little closets.

She seems to forget about Pastor Muthee, the witch doctor chaser and the layer of hands and prayer for her.

This seems to be about smear and not what anyone will be doing to help with our economy, you know the one, that Bush was is in charge of, the one that McCain seemed to favor de regulations over regulations for our financial institutions.

Where are we headed America and how long will we continue to eat up the smears instead of trying to get someone in the White House that might help this country, what say you?


People in the Sun said...

I'm not sure about using the old woman to make his point, but man, saying Palin reads infinity magazines is pretty funny.

LET'S TALK said...

People in the Sun, I'm with you on the old woman usage as well.

Anonymous said...

And thank you Larry. Olbermann says what I feel but what I never dare say.

... True Wit is Nature to advantage dress'd,. What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'd;
-Alexander Pope

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Anajo/Anijo/JoAnn, I agree with you as well, she's disgusting.

Frogette said...

Wow, he is uncorked! You are definitely getting a link. Thanks for stopping by Ragebot and letting me know about this. It's brilliant.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks Frogette, you all do some great writing at Ragebot.

Anonymous said...

I saw Olbermann's commentary tonight, and it was dynamite. Makes me wish he was running for Congress, at least.

I'm encouraged by polls that indicate most people don't think Palin is vice presidential material, much less qualified to be president if McSlime were to tip over.

Watch out, though. If the voting public votes to not elect McCain and Palin, like a female Nixon, Palin's likely to come back in a few years.

With some of these pols it's like the old saying, "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Watch out for that.

LET'S TALK said...

S.W. Anderson, you raise a scary but true though in reference to Palin coming as Congresswoman, Senator or even President. That is only if she is not the VP for the next four years.

Fran said...

These low blow tactics the McCain camp is resorting to is the sign of desperation.
A solid campaign would be touting their qualities, accomplishments & how they will fix the problems. When you have none of that, you are left with having to attack your opponent. Too bad McCain can't tout his many years of experience, as they are now things gone bad.
I think they are shooting themselves in the foot. It may just be Wall Street handed Obama the election.

LET'S TALK said...

Oh Fran, I think you make some excellent points and I agree with you 100%

1138 said...

Palin's next stop is talk radio, she was born for it.
As for the dirt and distractions, it's what the Republican mob loves and unfortunately it's becoming what the American masses are coming to expect and demand as a sign of "leadership". From the bonfire of the football rally to the political campaign. We began something with perverse with radio and really have made it an orgy of fright since WWII. A science of mass manipulation and deception.
Politics and Democracy have become a sham.

Candace said...

Priceless! In a vast amount of infinity kind of way.

Mr. Natural said...

I sent Olbermann the link to the story about the biggest political rally in Alaska history. I sure hope he uses it as it really shows what ALASKANS think of Palin.

LET'S TALK said...

1138, you call them right usually. I never gave that a thought because I thought that she would be coming back to Washington as a Politician.

LET'S TALK said...

Well hello there Candace, I don't recall if I told you how I really like the new look at your site.

Infinity is just too much I feel as well.

LET'S TALK said...

Mr.Natural, those are some great pictures at your site and to be honest. I never knew about so many Alaskins dislike for Palin.

I hope Olbermann pick them up and run with them.

LET'S TALK said...

I agree Jolly, but it now seems to be getting out of hand. I recall a video of Palin and someone saying "Kill Him", now that's some scary stuff.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe they are letting Sarah Palin run lose. Is there not laws against vicious pit bulls.

Sorry, I have not left many comments lately but seems everytime I turn around. I am busy on the phone or sending an email about why I am supporting the Democrats.

I can not believe the state we are in at this moment with war, economy, homeless, people without health insurance, mortgage crisis, recession and etc.

Seems we have much work ahead of us over the next month.

It really disappoints me.

LET'S TALK said...

kendalnite, it's great to read your comments when ever you come by as with everyone else.

I agree, I think we have much work ahead of us over the next month as well.

Tom Harper said...

It's ironic that Palin is playing the attack dog, with all the skeletons in her own closet: Troopergate, her husband's membership in that anti-government secessionist group that hates America. And her affair, documented by the National Enquirer. Why doesn't the "family values" crowd hold that against her?

LET'S TALK said...

Tom, I didn't know that the affair was true.