Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain Supporters In Bethlehem, PA

Video from: MorrillMajority

What say you?


Candace said...

Ugly. Scary.
I just ran across a GREAT article and posted it on mah blog, Larry - it will give you hope. We'll get through this.

LET'S TALK said...

I hope we all do Candace...

LET'S TALK said...

Yes Tom, I have run accross this video all day, which is great!

Now if only some Republicans can see that a ticket ran to create all of this while our country is falling apart is just scary.

LET'S TALK said...

Jolly, you got it with, "a hell of a lot of them don't give a damn about their own well-being."

That's it all wrapped up with some of the Republican voters.

Human said...

Such an inclusive group. All the Black and Brown McCain supporters must be already inside.

LET'S TALK said...

Human, I've seen video of McCain Black and Brown supporters, I guess when you think about what's seen on this video, that can be said.

Anonymous said...

How fitting, with Halloween coming up.

jollyroger captures the crowd's essence, but I will add this: They care more about sticking it to the rest of us than they care about the country. The ooze resentment.

I'm sure it's not only Obama they despise, not just people who don't look and sound like them. They've got it in for Democrats, liberals — anyone who disagrees with them.

I'd be willing to bet most of those in that waiting line don't particularly like John McCain or agree with many of his ideas. McCain is simply their chance to vote against Obama, a Democrat.

BTW, those folks are the same type, with the same mindset, as those who joined Hitler's brown shirts in the 1930's.

Anonymous said...

I am in an agreement with Jolly Roger.

But, I only hold onto hope when it comes to election day people will choose what is in their best interest.

Anonymous said...


Is actually me Kendal, I moved the political post away from my history blog so the teachers that was using it can access it.

So America's Castles now has a new little blog. America's Castles Politics

LET'S TALK said...

I hope so Kendal. I see you have added a new site and I shall change the link.

I just deleted two of my other sites, Let's Talk About It and Let's Talk God because there was not enough time to continue posting on all three since I've started back to blog.

I will be over to your new site and wish you luck and congratulations.

LET'S TALK said...

Anajo/Anijo/JoAnn,it is sick and just scary when we think about it. Just as S.W. Anderson said, "They've got it in for Democrats, liberals - anyone who disagrees with them." Anyone is what's so scary

Snave said...

It sure seems to me that McCain and Palin would want to play to a larger audience, not to an angry cult following of people who represent a decided minority of Americans... what John and Sarah have been pushing lately is not likely to catch on in a very big way. Maybe if they toned it down a little bit, more people would be interested in what they have to say.

However, I think the GOP has degenerated, devolved, whatever to the point where all they have to go on is connecting with people at the most base of levels... The use of tactics designed to arouse fear-fueled anger will only take them just so far. It will attract the non-thinkers exclusively, at a time when the party desperately needs to infuse itself with some intellectualism in order to broaden its appeal. Surely there are some conservative thinkers out there who can display critical thinking skills and intelligence in how they pursue their party's goals. To continue along the current path? They become dumbed down more and more, almost to the point of self-caricature. If the only people they want to attract to the party are the barbarians, they must sense an end coming... so maybe they want to go out blazing.

LET'S TALK said...

Very well said Snave. It seems this started by McCain mistake of misstating the facts and the inclusion of Palin and the negative program he allowed her to spew, which she by the way seems very good at doing...blind leading the blind.

The only people she can attract are the barbarians.

LET'S TALK said...

1138, you are bot by yourself right now.

LET'S TALK said...

Sorry about the typo: 1138, you are not by yourself right now.

Fran said...

painful yet disturbing

LET'S TALK said...

How scary and sad this is...this is how we got into the mess we are in now.

What's wrong with the people that call themselves Americans?

Human said...

Autonomic Thugs for the Racketeers.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks for the link Human, as you see I've discontinued Let's Talk About It and Let's Talk God. I will be by your site later today.

Anonymous said...

Why does it seem Mc Cain supporters have so much hate in their hearts. I think it is a Republican thing, to claim their love christ and hate in the process!

LET'S TALK said...

Kendal, that is a great point about the Republican party and the people in it.

Thomas said...

I couldn't watch the whole thing. My blood started to boil.

LET'S TALK said...

I can understand that Thomas.