Before I say anything, I wish that others would visit FRANIAM and see the hate this country has sunk too.
S.W. Anderson at Oh!pinion provided this link of a polling place in North Carolina where voters were harassed by McCain supporters.
ACORN, thanks to McCain and the Republican party, has started to receive voicemail from some Americans. I first thought that maybe they needed a hug, but I decided that hate cannot be swept away with a hug. These two voicemails are from
People For the American way.
S.W. Anderson at Oh!pinion provided this link of a polling place in North Carolina where voters were harassed by McCain supporters.
ACORN, thanks to McCain and the Republican party, has started to receive voicemail from some Americans. I first thought that maybe they needed a hug, but I decided that hate cannot be swept away with a hug. These two voicemails are from
People For the American way.
Wow. To listen to these kinds of people with their hate... These are the kind of people who frequent the Sarah Palin rallies. ugh...
Good find Larry.
Thanks Anajo, we need to see what the McCain campaign has brung out of some of us. We are in a darn if you do and darn if you don't campaign for America, regardless to whom wins.
You are so right Jolly!
As earlier commentors have said, these are sarah palin words of hate. Some of her rallies are approaching KKK intensity and behavior.
And she was brought on board for just that purpose. Attack, attack, attack. Karl Rove with lipstick on.
The Future Was Yesterday, I must agree because it seems to be all that she is doing and it is getting scary.
It's appalling, but I'm not surprised. To some, there is more racism out there than you know of. And for anyone to say that race plays no part in this election is kidding themselves. I honestly wish race had nothing to do with elections, but that won't happen for a while.
Hi Alberto, thanks for commenting at Let's Talk. I agree with your point, that racism during the elections will not happen for a while.
It's shocking that we cannot get pass race, when clearly the person who is for all, is made out to be the bad guy and the person that wants to the rich, we fall for falls for his rhetoric.
Hello and thanks for the link. It is a sad day in our country, is it not?
It is a sad day in this land Fran. I'm just wishing that it was over already.
Disgusting as they are, what was done to the woman's car, those hate calls and a bunch of other incidents like this come as no surprise.
Think back. What kind of people would go on supporting a president who got us into a war with lies and deceit? What kind of people would want anything to do with an administration that did what Bush & Co. did to Joe and Valerie Wilson?
Would honest, decent people tolerate, much less vote to re-elect a president who has violated our Constitution, international treaties and laws, operating secret prisons around the world, authorizing torture of prisoners? Does that sound like what decent Americans did in past wars?
In fact, Republican ranks have shrunken as people with decent values and a conscience have turned away from them. So what they are mostly left with is ignorant, lowlife trash that would do these ugly things. Plus some dead enders who are in denial and so claim the ugly deeds are just being made up or are being blown out of proportion.
The people who did those things didn't have the best intelligence and self-control to begin with. Now they are scared and no doubt feeling spiteful. They're used to lying, cheating, stealing and bullying to get their way.
Which is all the more reason why they must not go on getting their way.
Want to fight back? If you know someone afraid to go vote, offer to escort them and watch their vehicle, if necessary.
Donate a few bucks to the Obama campaign and for Democrats running for the House and Senate.
Call a few friends, family members, neighbors and or co-workers, telling them you hope they will join you in voting for Obama, and for change.
When all is said and done, dislodging the conservative Republican scourge from power will be the best revenge. And trust me, the better a president Obama is, and the more people approve of what he does and how he goes about it, the farther up the wall our "friends" who sneak around with spray paint and make ugly phone calls will be driven.
Great links SW and great comments as well. I am glade you link to the incidents at the voting sites in North Carolina, I was aware of it.
I am gong back into the post and reference the link you provided, Thanks.
Sorry about the typo: I am going back into the post and reference the link you provided, Thanks.
John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin provokes the kind of hate that had not been experienced in years. "They must be really proud of their supporters."
I can not understand how christian conservatives can support such a party that is a product of hate.
I would like to see John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin to start standing up against hate.
One more comment! The only hate that I want to see is Hate against Hate.
"I cannot understand how Christian conservatives can support such a party that is a product of hate."
Great point Kendall, Where's the love and understanding with these Evangelicals?
If you want an idea of just how far gone the Klanservatives are these days, drop by my comments and see for yourself.
As terrible and appalling as these incidents are, there's one tiny silver lining. It shows how desperate the rightwing Neanderthals have become. They're like a wounded cornered animal. They know they're losing and they're lashing out in one last frenzy. They'll get over it, hopefully.
I just came back from your site Jolly and left a comment. Very nice subject matter.
I don't know if McCain will ever get over this, if he is not the next President Tom.
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