Friday, September 05, 2008

Just Who Is Sarah Palin?

So many of the Clinton supporters are flocking to Gov. Palin, but do they really know her policy?

Thinkprogress has come up with a list that may stun some but not that are set against Obama...see > click here.

We have screamed for years for change and when happen, we are not willing to go with the that change.

So be it, let,s go through four more years of the same. Some women supporters are Clinton seems not to mind... see >Palin

What a differnce an election can make and show our true colors...what say you?


E.Michael Liu said...

hey man thaks for stopping by earlier,for me a staunch clinton democrat to be supporting McCain is very strange to be, but its about priciples for me, how come obama did not add clinton to the ticket, the answer, he was too arrogant, and his ego is too big for him.

In_Flight said...

Welcome Back LT. Well, I have to tell you, not this Clinton supporter!!

I am proudly supporting Obama, and will not stand for anything less. Those Clinton supporters who have jumped ship, even after Hillary's great speech at the Democratic convention were not really Democrats to begin with!

LET'S TALK said...

e.michael liu, I guess Obma had the right to select whomever he thought would help his bid for President. After all, he won the nominee for the Democratic party.

LET'S TALK said...

I liked Hillary as well Phil in ny, but my support is the same as yours for Obama

LET'S TALK said...

I agree with you 100% Tom. This Lady is all that we are against and I can't for the life of me know why so many Clinton women supporters are following her.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin, I can not understand for a potential president (john mc cain is old)l, only holding a bachelors degree in journalism could possibly run a country created by laws.

No, I will be one person to state, although I was a very big fan of Hillary's this is one woman that I consider in the same group as Coulter, Kerns, and Malkin. Each and everyone of these women have something in common. (They have hate in their hearts)

I wanted to support her for one reason, she was a woman but after I have seen her views on issues, my opinion changed within 48 hours.

I urge everyone to think about their issues and try to match them to a party that comes close to support your views and civil liberties.

I have to support the lesser of all evils and I use to vote for one of the other independant parties. I am not throwing this vote away! I need my voice to be heard and I am saying, No Mc Cain and No Palin!

So my vote is going Democrat!

Anonymous said...

I think the Republicans have a real problem on their hands going forward. George W. surrounded himself with leftovers from the Nixon administration, and that didn't give any young up-and-coming Republicans a chance to earn a reputation for themselves.

An old guy like Grandpa McCain didn't dare choose someone as old as himself, and the younger Republicans are all unknown quantities.

I think Sara Palin is basically just a younger, prettier Ann Coulter. She was brought on for the sole purpose of being divisive. McCain is pursuing the Karl Rove strategy of getting "50% of the vote, plus one." It's a strategy that worked twice for George Bush- but I think the country has paid a terrible price for it.

LET'S TALK said...

kendalnite, I think you got a point...Gov. Palin puts one in mind of Ann Coulter.

LET'S TALK said...

ThomasLB, just as I stated on the last comment, you all are vey sharp. I never thought about comparing Palin to Coulter.

Anonymous said...


I am so delighted that you're back!

Palin is red meat to the far-right Republicans.

Any Hillary Clinton supporter who is now voting for McCain is just too weird. I don't get it. Every thing that Hillary Clinton supported is precisely what Palin does not support.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks Anajo, and I agree with you 100%. I just hope things change before November 4th.

Anonymous said...

Show me someone who supported Clinton in the primaries and now backs McPander and I'll show you a Republican who only supported Clinton out of a desire to divide and weaken Democrats in the general election.

LET'S TALK said...

Well here's one for starters S.W. Anderson The Confluence

1138 said...

And now they intend to actually vote for a Republican because they didn't get their Republican-Lite.

Excuse me... Let them go, they were not Democrats to start with.

LET'S TALK said...

1138, thanks for that link on Molly Ivins. Great point as well!

Mr. Natural said...

All I can say to any women who were formerly Democrats is "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out". Buh-bye now!

LET'S TALK said...

Very well said Mr.Natural !

Candace said...

Hi, LT! It's good to back in the blogosphere with you.

The latest move by the GOP is to try to get Troopergate shut down. Dumb move. That will only make people keep digging. I think McCain's going to regret picking her.

LET'S TALK said...

Well Hi Candace, it's just great to hear from you as well. I will be over to see if there is anything new at your site.

I think that we are in very scary times with the war, the economy and the thought that the American people just might elect McCain to run this country more into the ground.

Gov. Palin is on the ticket to pull away the Clinton supporters and those that simply do not bother to find out where she actually stand on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Gov. Palin is on the ticket to pull away the Clinton supporters and those that simply do not bother to find out where she actually stand on the issues


There are some Clinton supporters who know full well that Palin's views on the issues are the exact opposite of what Hillary believes, but these people hate Obama so much that they don't give a damn.

LET'S TALK said...

Anajo/Anijo/JoAnn, you are right but I just cannot believe that hate would be so strong whereby electing McCain would run this country into the ground
even more.

Anonymous said...


I too have a difficult time understanding how hate can be so strong as to lead some Hillary supporters to vote for McCain..


LET'S TALK said...

That is some kind of hate Anajo. I have noticed that hate on some sites that I spent most of last year talking about how much of a change we need.

As soon as Hillary wasn't nominated everything that we all had spoke of went sour and we now have a lot of hate, lies and people acting just as Bush did when it comes to investigations.

Mauigirl said...

Sarah Palin was put on the McCain ticket merely to try to entice former Clinton supporters to vote for McCain while simultaneously making the right-wingers happy due to her antedeluvian beliefs. Palin is a horror - everything I learn about her seems to be worse every day.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back, even though it took me awhile to notice :)

Looks to me like the only people flocking to Sarahpoleon are the ones we could have counted on to go Gopper anyway. A whole lot of those PUMAs are encouraged, and bankrolled, by the RNC. Everybody else has had a couple of peeks beneath the lipstick-and shuddered.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Mauigirl, I think that you are correct but I can't think of what makes these people fall for such tricks and lies.

LET'S TALK said...

Nice points there Jolly and may I say that I was really shocked about the homeless problem you posted.

Snave said...

I'm very glad you are back!!!

I'm not sure that comparing Palin to Coulter is entirely fair... they probably have the same views on many things, and I would imagine Palin has read Coulter's books and/or is a fan. But so far, Palin has not appeared to be as vicious in public as Coulter. Palin does have a voice that I suspect could peel paint, but so far she has at least appeared civil. Coulter says mean things in a calculated way. Would Palin say things in a calculated manner or would she do it because she wouldn't know better?

While I wouldn't lump her in with Coulter, Malkin, etc. I would certainly count Palin as one of their disciples. And knowing that a hard right automaton like that would be a heartbeat away from taking over from an older guy with questionable health? That is enough to make me vote Democrat in and of itself.

My response to Clinton supporters I know who have decided to vote for McCain instead of Obama has been "That's your vote to do with as you please. Go for it! Do your civic duty! I just wouldn't have thought you had so much in common politically with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Anne Coulter, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Phil Gramm, etc."

There just seems to me to be a large amount of cognitive dissonance in people being Dems but voting for McCain because their preferred Dem candidate Clinton didn't get nominated. They would really vote to put the country through basically four more years of Bush, or worse? "Why do they hate America?" (Just kidding with the previous sentence, I know they don't "hate America", but it does make me wonder how their political thought processes work.)

I don't know how much more America can take of this Nixon/Reagan/Bush Sr./Bush Jr.-type "leadership" before it breaks under the strain. We have seen some signs of severe stress in the last eight years. How could people vote for more of the same? How could any rightwing voter say with a straight face, "I unashamedly support John McCain"?

I am guessing that a lot of the Republican voters are about as enthused about voting for McCain in 2008 as a lot of the Dems were about voting for Michael Dukakis in 1988, Republicans were for Bob Dole in 1996 or Dems were for John Kerry in 2004.

Human said...

Since the McCain and Clinton campaign worked so closely together, it comes as no surprise to me that many Hillary supporters will vote McCain. Shared values. Pro War. Pro Corporation. Pro Bullshit. It's sad that Conservatives lost their most promising candidate when Hillary lost. But that's Politics. It's a simple choice. 4 more years of Death and Destruction coupled with increased Economic hardship. Sadly it's what some but by no means a majority of Hillary supporters will choose.

LET'S TALK said...

Human, We are in trying times and what happens this November will either cause "Death and Destruction coupled with increased Economic hardship."