Friday, April 18, 2008

Hannity and ABC On William Ayers

Story From A NEWT ONE After eight years of Hannity defending Bush and going against anything that the Democrats tried to do to help this country. ABC allowed his poison to come into the Democratic debates in reference to William Ayers and his relationship to Obama. Was there any relationship with Obama at age eight and after when he and Ayers was on the same board? William Ayers is a professor of education at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He is also a former member of the Weather Underground Movement, previously known as the Weathermen, a radical 1960's Maoist movement dedicated to sparking a revolutionary overthrow of the United States government. He, along with other members of the Weather Underground, turned themselves in to police in 1981, after a series of official acts of misconduct on behalf of law enforcement officials ensured that they would never be brought to trial for their activities. Obama's connection to Ayers began in 1999, when they served together on the board of the Wood Fund of Chicago, a philanthropic foundation. Their children also have attended the same schools and Ayers is a known Obama supporter and campaign contributor. Wake up America and look at what is being done by ABC and Hannity. Was this an ambush to cause Obama to lower his guard an allow someone pass to be associated with him?

What say you?


Tom Harper said...

Anybody who has an IQ higher than twelve already dismisses everything Sean Hannity says. Unfortunately a lot of voters aren't in that category.

We need to subject McCain to the same scrutiny that Obama is getting. The Keating Five, leaving his first wife for a much younger woman, his hairtrigger temper, his constant flipflopping on every issue...

The "media" won't do this but there are lots of "alternative" news sites and millions of bloggers.

TomCat said...

I have no love lost for the weather underground. I was involved in the SDS faction that supported staying true to the nonviolent philosophy of Gandhi and King, when Ayers was part of the opposition. When the weather faction won out, I disassociated myself from SDS. and frustrated, put activism on the back burner until Crawford Caligula inspired my return by stealing toe 2000 election.

But lets be real here. That happened years ago. Most of the must extreme activists have since become yuppies.

In other words, so what?

LET'S TALK said...

There seems to be a lot of Democratic blogs that are riding this as if they were Republicanss. There's so much dislike out here.

I don't know if the party can get pass this dislike Tom.

LET'S TALK said...

Tomcat the most that I know about the weather underground is what I read and Obama had to be a child as well at that time.

As you said "But lets be real here. That happened years ago. Most of the must extreme activists have since become yuppies."

I really like the way you conclude this matter..."In other words, so what?"

Larry said...

Funny how that pre-arranged question showed Hillary had full knowledge of what the attack was about, which enabled her to join in the "weatherfest."

LET'S TALK said...

Very true Larry.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

I don't watch/listen to debacles at all, preferring to, if I'm going to listen to bullshit, it be a choice of my own that doesn't make me puke and want to kill somebody.

It isn't just Hannity and ABC. CBS cowers before the religious right like a whipped dog. NBC has long been a Republican agenda forwarding point.

There really IS a solution to all of this: turn the damn thing off, leave it off, and let them know why! I assure you, WE would run the TV stations!:)

It's all about advertising. We'd be watching toilets flushing if it sold the advertising.

LET'S TALK said...

The Future Was Yesterday, this is exactly what I like about your site. You do not hold back by saying things as you see them or in most cases as they are, very well stated points!

Distributorcap said...

future wrote It's all about advertising. We'd be watching toilets flushing if it sold the advertising.

we already do --- there are ads on urinals in bars and restaurants in NY

as for hannity --- the only saving grace is that he basically preaches to his converted --- he doesnt seem to attract any more lunatics and those that do listen to him are a lost cause --- sadly there are millions of them

do you suppose bush knew his grandfather -- you know the one that financed the Nazis?

LET'S TALK said...

Wow DCap, I didn't know about the ads in New York!

Hannity question was a poor choice and started something from nothing. This race is bad enough for the Democrats to start more Republicans smears.

As for Bush grandfather, that's just something that the Republican party seened to over look, but great point as opposed to the question about Ayers.

TomCat said...

we already do --- there are ads on urinals in bars and restaurants in NY

Dang!! I thought it was bad when I was in Las Vegas, went to sit down in a public restroom (with no toe tapping, I assure you), and found a slot machine mounted on the inside of the stall door!

1138 said...

I'm a bit pressed for time but I'd respectfully say that you are wrong on the years of the Weathermen.

1138 said...

I had a high school teacher in Michigan that was an SDS member and he probably knew Ayers.
Does that make me a terrorist by association too?
Does it make my high school a terrorist training ground?

LET'S TALK said...

Great points 1138! I reference this report from A NEWT ONE but could have used Ayers

Anonymous said...

Mark Halperin, now the chief poobah at Time Inc., headed ABC News for several years. He's said publicly he is a conservative and proud of it. He didn't say he's a Republican and proud of it, but that has been coming out in ABC News' slant for some time. Given Time's slant when he arrived there, Halperin was sure to be a perfect fit.

So, it comes as no surprise to me if a certain agenda showed through in ABC's joint appearance that was misleadingly called a debate.

As for Hannity, he's just another extremely well paid hatchetmouth for the far right. I suspect by now his credibility, like that of Fox News, exists mostly in the (ahem) minds of the 28 percent who still think Bush is a swell prez, plus a few incredibly gullible "independent" know-nothings.

1138 said...

The Ayers as unrepentant terrorist slam is an outright lie the "refusal" to wear a flag pin stuff burns me up but none of that should matter - none of it.
We've had a band unpatriotic terrorists in the White House for nearly 8 years.
Bin-Ladin roams Pakistan stronger and more free than he ever was in Afghanistan with every promise of returning, as Pakistan teeters.
Hillary makes Bush like noises as "proof" of her manliness to serve as commander in Chief, but the problem with that is that it just reminds us of her original sin ... HELPING GEORGE BUSH IN THE FIRST PLACE INVADE IRAQ.
McCain and Clinton suffer from the same fatal flaws.

1138 said...

tomcat you weren't that teacher were you?

Anonymous said...

Clarification: In clearer recollection this morning, I seem to recall Halperin was the political affairs honcho at ABC News. I'm not sure he headed the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Given how OK George W. Bush's serve-at-his-convenience rendition of military service was and how he got a pass on his past drug and alcohol abuse, it seems only fair to not hold the 1960's transgressions of a much older friend against Obama.

Not that fairness considerations have ever held the GOP back from trying for a nasty smear campaign — or held most of the MSM from helping the smear along.

LET'S TALK said...

Mark Halperin promoted Roves book and kissed up to Hannity to the point that I do not doubt anything about him.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks for that link 1138 great story!

LET'S TALK said...

Very well stated SW!

Anonymous said...

Hannity is only relevant because the Chimpromised MSM keeps him propped up. In every market he goes head to head with Ed Schultz in, he loses.

We already know, of course, why Big Eddie isn't the one everybody is listening to, don't we?

TomCat said...

1138, you lost me, what teacher? But then I have never been a teacher in the formal sense.

1138 said...

Then that would make the answer no

Snave said...

Let's hear it for Ed Schultz! JollyRoger is right. Let America hear more of what Ed has to say, and less of what Sean and his other chimpleton talkers spew.

In fact, let's bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

If we can get a Democrat elected president, and if we can keep Congress in control of Democrats for at least two years and maybe four, I think reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine should be a national priority.

In_Flight said...

Sean hanity is not to be taken the least bit serious. He's nothing but an ape with zero intelect.