Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ann Shows Her Support For Hillary With Jokes About Edwards And Obama

Ann Coulter speaking at the Young America's Foundation (YAF), really showed her support for Hillary Clinton. She also got in a few jokes on Edwards and Obama as well.

Has this woman just lost it or is she just trying to create controversy, what say you?

Also see what Michael Moore says about supporting Hillary Clinton at Let's Talk ABout It.


Tom Harper said...

I think the Far Right is anxious to have Hillary be the Democratic nominee, for whatever reason.

Either they think she'll be easier for McCain to beat, or they're terrified of Obama getting elected and they want to head him off at the pass (yes I hate that expression too) by pushing for Hillary's nomination.

Who Hijacked Our Country

In_Flight said...

Oh please. I don't believe for one second that Mann Coulter would vote for Hillary.

LET'S TALK said...

I have not got the answer for that yet, but something is going on.

LET'S TALK said...

phil_in_ny, I really dont think so as well. But as Tom Harper said there's a reason for this.

Lizzy said...

The right would like nothing more than to have Clinton as the Dem nominee, because they can beat her.

Lizzy said...

The right would like nothing more than to have Clinton as the Dem nominee, because they can beat her.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Cuntler was very obviously reading from a prepared script (and I doubt by her), as her repeated pauses for laughs drew silence. The only time you see this walking abortion is when there is publicity to be had.

Larry said...

If the sweltering skank doesn't like her parties neocon nominee, then perhaps she should run herself.

Mary Ellen said...

Actually, if you look at the right wing media, they're talking up Obama, not Hillary. Rove is already salivating at the prospect of going after him, there have been a couple articles written about it today...I'll find the link if anyone is interested.

As far as Coulter, she's doing what she always does, looking for attention so she can sell her crappy books. No one is taking her seriously, and mark my words, she'll vote for McCain.

TomCat said...

If it would get her publicity, Ann Coulter would have sex in public with Rush Limbaugh. I know. Vile thought. Go barf. You'll feel better. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ditto mary ellen. Ann Coulter is just a political pornographer, seeking fame and fortune peddling her brand of self-righteous smut. It’s all a carefully crafted act. She’ll vote for McCain.

Political Realm said...

I think it's a little bit of both--crazy and attention seeking--but also tom harper is on to something. The right needs Hillary to motivate their troops. McCain certainly won't do that.

Mary Ellen said...

Hi Let's Talk--Just stopped by to tell you a quick, "Happy Valentines Day!" Hope you have a great day.

LET'S TALK said...

Lizzy, I'm still trying to think of what is really going on with this and the right wing pledge to Hillary.

LET'S TALK said...

The Future Was Yesterday, you are so right!

LET'S TALK said...

Now I will agree with that Larry!

LET'S TALK said...

You are correct Mary Ellen, they are going after Obama and almost at the point of endorseing Hillary.

LET'S TALK said...

I think I will TomCat.

LET'S TALK said...

Purpleminded, I've been trying to leave a comment on your site, but my code is not working. Help!

LET'S TALK said...

Political Realm, maybe that is what I am not adding to the equation and must put this into perspective.

LET'S TALK said...

Happy Valentines Day Maryu Ellen and I will be over to your site today.

1138 said...

Even if Hillary wins the Republicans win, having her in the White house reignites their base and refills the Congress with religious nuts.

1138 said...

People thought Hitler was just selling books too.