Saturday, December 01, 2007

Erin Burnett Calls President A Monkey

Erin Burnett, who works for NBC was on MSNBC Morning Joe Show when she called President Bush a Monkey! I guess this gives Republicans and Conservative talk show hosts someone else to demonize.


Distributorcap said...

well good for Erin!

at least someone in the MSM sees the chimp for what he is

i might have to steal this as well -- it is too good not to spread all over the world

Randal Graves said...

Oh man, this made my day!

LET'S TALK said...

Please take anything that you want from this sit distributorcap, the more this type of thing can move around the better!

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks Randal Graves.

Anonymous said...

Great find my friend,,made my day also, I was having some coffee and came over here from Bloglines and gave a listen,,I feel better now thanks Let's Talk.

LET'S TALK said...

That's great Floyd, thanks!

Pax said...

Wonder what Joe said to her after the cameras stopped rolling?

I think this was great.

I agree that our fearless leader is a monkey in appearance, however I think these comparisons denigrate monkeys, apes and chimps. If W had their intellect, this nation would be better off.

Mary Ellen said...

LOL!!! I love it!!! I don't know what was funnier, her saying it or listening to the guys saying "Monkey? What Monkey? What is she talking about?"

Good one, Let's Talk!

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Pax and welcome to Let's Talk. I guess Joe and others thought how Limbaugh was just flirting with her not long ago and if he would now start an attack or let her slide.

I think he just let this one go, because I have yet to hear anything from him about it.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Mary Ellen, I will be over to your site soon. Sorry I have not made my normal stops lately.

Candace said...

Hah!! I guess she is going to be known as Erin Burnett, who FORMERLY worked for NBC, alas...

I'm with Mary Ellen - both parts were funny as hell!

Good find!

Fran said...

Hey there- I have not been around, so many time challenges of late.

Yes- as you saw, I posted on this too.

She was totally into saying it, bless her heart.

I hope she still has a job.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Candace, I think those days have gone, where one says something about this President and then they have lost their job.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi franiam, I think she will still have a job when this is over.

Tom Harper said...

Erin Burnett has just been rendered to Jordan for "interrogation." She's being waterboarded as we speak.

Who Hijacked Our Country

LET'S TALK said...

Tom Harper, I don't think Limbaugh would allow this, it seems he has eye for her.

LET'S TALK said...

I'll be right over snave. Like I mentioned to tom harper, Limbaugh like Erin and I think he would have a fit if anyone tried to do anything to her at this point.

Chooch said...

I don't think it was nice to call him a monkey. I have too much respect for monkeys! Now an lemming, now that is an analogy I can live with! :)

1138 said...

You know there was a time in our country when the man in the White House had big enough shoulders to take it with a laugh, and so did his supporters.
Those times were mostly before Nixon and mostly Democrats.

LET'S TALK said...

Nice point Jude's BlogLoggin!

LET'S TALK said...

1138, it seems that this President, more than others has always had help with any negative views expressed toward him.