Republican Mitt Romney just can't seem to get beyond his faith. Remember his speech when he said; “I do not define my candidacy by my religion. A person should not be elected because of his faith, nor should he be rejected because of his faith,”
After watching him on Meet the Press, I wondered just what others thought about Mitt Romney on his faith and just why he can't seem to get away from his flip flops and his Religion. What say you?
After watching him on Meet the Press, I wondered just what others thought about Mitt Romney on his faith and just why he can't seem to get away from his flip flops and his Religion. What say you?
I'm not against people reasoning things out and changing their minds, but I get the feeling the Romney drifts with whatever political winds are blowing at the moment.
As for "faith," his gods are money and power. I don't think you'll find a lot of genuine religious faith in the political arena.
I agree with your assumptions thomaslb! This guy does seem to drift with whatever political winds are blowing at the moment.
I don't think Mitt will be able to get around his religion. The right wing Christian fundamentalists will only accept someone who is of their own "version" of Christianity and without them, Mitt won't get elected. It looks like they latched onto Huckabee. He's perfect for them...a hypocrite.
When Mitt said we can't have freedom without religion I just cringed. One doesn't have anything to do with the other.
Oh...I forgot to add, it's good to see you back, lets talk! I was beginning to get worried about you! ;-)
I'm just find Mary Ellen, I having a problem with my DSL and sometimes I'm not able to do anything on the internet at all.
Mitt is a phony.
The following comment is long-winded like many of mine tend to be, but I think it makes a good point if you follow it to its conclusion.
I also doubt that Romney will be able to get around his Mormonism, but it is not that with which I have a problem when it comes to his candidacy. I was bugged by a few things in his speech about faith. As Mary Ellen cringed about his "no freedom with religion" thing, I cringed too. I didn't care for the "no religious test" comment either, because I do believe the intensity combined with the narrowness of a person's religious beliefs may or may not color their thought processes in certain ways, and we as the voting public DO need to know what kind of thinker we are electing.
The National Review's editor and chief columnist Rich Lowry loved the "no religious test" comment, because he desperately dislikes Huckabee and sees what a problem Huckabee represents for the Republican party. Lowry also doesn't want Americans to ask questions, he just wants us to do as we are told. Being a Romney fan, it is natural that Lowry would like a comment that basically says "Don't pay attention to my Mormonism."
As in the case of Huckabee, who has mentioned that if we hadn't aborted all those fetuses we would now have enough people to fill the jobs currently done by Hispanic workers in America, and who has said he thinks the earth is only about 6,000 years old... yer damn tootin' there is a religious test, or there had danged well better be one.
Believing in a god, believing Christ is the son of God, believing in salvation, resurrection... those can be very cool things for those so inclined. But to say things like Huckabee says (and he means those things), suggests to me that were he to be elected president, we could just about kiss our nation's science reputation goodbye.
I don't care what someone believes, at least until it seems to me those beliefs will have an impact on how I am to live my life as an American, or that those beliefs will have an impact on how our country will operate. My religious tolerance has its limits, I guess, and our Constitution was surely designed to prevent religion from taking over the country... I would imagine everyone's tolerance probably does have limits when it gets down to it... And if I ask a candidate if his campaign ads say he is a "Christian leader" as a way of slyly saying his opponents aren't Christians, I want to know that, too.
How CERTAIN is the candidate that he is right on such things as the history of the earth? After having a religiously fundamentalist president for seven years now, one who is absolutely certain about everything, I have to wonder what Huckabee would be like in the White House, or even what Mitt Romney would be like for that matter.
If there is no religious test, how are we going to know what we are getting ourselves into if we elect a certain candidate? Why is the subject of religion so taboo when it comes to politics? We can talk about a candidate's past misdeeds, about marital relationships, about sex lives, sexual orientation, political orientation, basically everything... except religion.
I think the GOP has seized nicely upon this, and taken advantage of millions of voters in this respect. By using something our society does not like to publicly criticize (a person's religious beliefs) as a major part of its party platform, Republicans give themselves a huge advantage. If the Democrats try to call them on it, the Republicans spin what the Dems say, and use the "faith card"... and the Democrats get called all kinds of bad names, get tarred as being atheists, etc.
And by now, we all know that even though Mitt Romney calls for "no religious test", he would not support a person for president if he knew that person was a Muslim, or an atheist. The same certainly would go for Huckabee, who probably classifies atheists right up there with those other satanic types, i.e. gay people and pro-choice people. If there is a hell, I will be going to it, according to Huckabee, and probably according to Romney as well. Would either of those guys be a president for people other than those who have been "saved"?
I have my doubts.
And I think the public is getting very weary of the "religion in politics" thing.
I believe that maybe this is what the editors of the Des Moines Register were thinking when they gave their Iowa endorsement to John McCain.
Great ponts made Snave. On the issue as to what type of person Romney or Huckabee would make as a President just scares me. We can't go back to what we already have at the White House today.
Romney's faith will sink his chances for the White House. This isn't right, but conservatives made this bed and now one of their own has to lie in it. Poetic justice.
Who Hijacked Our Country
I agree with that Tom Harper. They, the Republicans made this bed and they must sit stand or lay in it.
Mitt Romney is talking in circles. He says that he doesn't define his candidacy by his religion and then he says that we can't have freedom without religion... Makes no sense.
Romney is up front because of the money he has spent in his quest to become President. He will make a slow burn after Febuary of next year.
Short answer:
For a long answer: See Mormonism.
Romney is a flip flopper and his faith like the rest of the other issues he stands for today will carry him nowhere, i will be surprise if he even makes it past Iowa.
I know you're having trouble with your computer, but if you can, I left a gift for you on my blog for Christmas. ;-)
Romney is anxious to use religion as a campaign calling card in hopes of winning over fundamentalist Christians. Despite what he says, his actions prove he does want people to vote for him because he's got religion, even if they're not enthusiastic about the religion he's got.
Unfortunately for him, it doesn't seem to be working all that well.
PoliShifter, sometimes short is just enough to answer the question and in this case, No is just god enough.
Emmanuel M Liu, you are probably right and we shall see very soon.
Thanks Mary Ellen, I've been by your site and love the present, which by the way has come true. My DSL is up and running for the time being.
Hi S.W. Anderson and welcome to Let's Talk. I'll be over to your site as soon as time permitts.
Yes I think that Romney has spent his way to only one victory and time shall tell just which poll took the bite.
Merry Christmas Larry & Everyone!
Romney is a doorknob.
Happy Xmas, LT!
Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your cyber presence.
Happy Holidays to you & yours- here is to a truly happy new year.
Guy's a DINK. The republicans could run a SOCK PUPPET if the deal is in with the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council)like the LAST two "elections".
Merry Christmas to you as well Suzie-Q (S-Q)!
Hi Lizzy, Mery Christmas to you!
Thanks for the information and the link adam brown.
Merry Christmas Fran and be safe!
I sure hope it's not Mr. Natural. Thanks for the visit and come back anytime.
Let's Talk,
Merry Christmas! And have a wonderful 2008!
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