Imagine someone in the year 2020 watching these two video's, which one of the two would they say were grounds for impeachment?
I recall Rep. McKinney speaking out against this President in the House for the last time and telling us what some did not know.
She was made out to be the bad person by both the Republicans, the media and others... I will admit, she had her own problems, but she gave us the truth and a lot of us ignored it.
Imagine someone in the year 2020 watching this video and wondering, what was wrong with the American People?
What say you?
Had I been in Cynthia's district I would have voted for her - she spoke the truth.
The Conyers area seems to be a nexus for gerrymandering though.
In the future (if there is one) the Clinton impeachment will be the road sign that showed that America had gone insane and the Bush non impeachment the certification of that insanity.
Cynthia did a lot of crazy things but she did call this President right.
Conyers is changing for the best in some ways and not so in others... I am not saying that I would like to see it more like Cobb (Republican County), but there is a lot of good things here, remember this is a growing county.
You called it right for the insanity America has displayed in the impeachment and non impeachment of President's.
Maybe, this will be a lesson that will cause others to look back at and never repeat.
McKinney had the right message, from the wrong person.
Kucinich is a step towards the right direction, but ultimately it'll take guys like Chuck Hagel (who has mentioned impeachment as a possible remedy) before "Main Street" will embrace the idea.
Yes jollyroger, how sad... this lady was condemned even before she started to show her faults, all because she spoke up against this President.
The Media and the Conservatives jumped right on her and yes all her faults started to show all over our televisions.
We need to recognize fascism when we see it, that is our biggest problem.
"Kucinich is a step towards the right direction, but ultimately it'll take guys like Chuck Hagel (who has mentioned impeachment as a possible remedy) before "Main Street" will embrace the idea"
We the people must get control of our country and the people we put in office to run said country. It must start with us, not Kucinich or Hagel. Just what are we? A country of followers?
Are we only to decide what is right for us and this country only because the Media or a MAN tells us its right or now time to do something?
Yes, I thought Cynthia McKinney was speaking the truth and sadly,she was made to look bad.
Btw.. I added your blog to my blogroll. :)
Yes suzie-q, she was made to look bad, but one must admit she did a lot to help herself look very bad.
She did call it right on Bush and that's where her trouble started, as did anyone who went against this fascist.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll... you are already on my list.
No matter who speaks the truth about Bush they will be either trashed or made to look insignificant.
You are so right about that Larry.
Hey, in reference to your question on my blog about The Sopranos,no it wasn't your cable, it just cut out and was the dumbest ending for a show I've ever seen!! I thought the same as you, what the hell just happened, it took me a second to realize that they had just ended it that way.
Thanks Leo, what a dumb way to end a great show.
Hey Guys!
It's GEF's birthday! Please come by my blog and wish him a Happy Birthday! :)
I've been there and done that Suzie-Q!
Waiting to do the same for you this Saturday I understand.
I have no idea what we'll tell people in 2020 when they ask that embarrassing question. One president was impeached for having an affair and then lying about it; the next president was not impeached for subverting the constitution and waging an illegal war. The question needs to be asked, but what's the answer?
Who Hijacked Our Country
I'm lost just as much as you tom harper, as to what could possibly be said about tjis and the American people at the time.
We the people must get control of our country and the people we put in office to run said country. It must start with us, not Kucinich or Hagel. Just what are we? A country of followers?
Largely, yes.
The public educational system is (deliberately) not set up to turn out free thinkers or leaders.
Then we must start to with the public educational system, if we are to ever have a future of free thinkers.
We can no longer let others (rich), run this country the way they wish without the will and concerns of the people.
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
He must be impeached. If he isn't, what's to stop the next mad neocon to do whatever the hell he wanted?
Pelosi must put impeachment back on the table, and I call her office often to demand it.
Future generations are going to look back on this period & wonder what the hell was wrong with us.
People will only think the US is insane from a distance of 12 years? Go to Europe. They have always thought that, especially in the last few years. ;-)
No need to visit the future for a reality check on that one..
When I go back to England in July I'll no doubt be spending my time telling people I didn't vote for Bush.
LET'S TALK said...
I've been there and done that Suzie-Q!
Waiting to do the same for you this Saturday I understand.
Thank you! Yes, Saturday is Mentarch's birthday! :)
I agree Lizzy, Future generations are going to look back on this period & wonder what the was wrong with us.
Welcome back both tom harper and Lizzy!
Chandira, I sure wish that I could be taking a trip to England... be safe and have a nice trip when you decide to go.
OK suzie-q, I have that now... I really enjoy Mentarch's post and blog.
She was speaking the truth before the truth was legal. Now she could say it and possibly be listened to.
It's funny now pissed off patricia, how we allowed this man, his friends, the media and the republican party to trash anyone who disagreed with this President.
McKinney had her problems but compared to what I've seen from the Republican party, her problems did not deserve to be all over the news because of disputes with policeman and the slugging incident.
Lizzy, Pelosi must be tired from hearing from both of us.
LT, No one could have ended up looking anything other that insane when the media decided to take her apart the way they did. I don't blame her for it in any way shape or form.
As for Americans being a nation of followers, there's no doubt about that. Sometime back I decided that the system is probably broken beyond repair, but we keep calling our Representatives and Congressmen with some sort of sad hope that somehow the flat part of the tire won't continue to make contact with the road.
I fear that the "solution" to our broken government will probably be spelled something like REVOLUTI N but honestly I fear coming right out and saying it because of sedition laws and this new monster that's been created called "The Department of Homeland Security", that has all of the markings of being the enforcement arm of a POILCE STATE.
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