Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Presidential Records Act May Be Extensive

See Original Story

The House Oversight Committee said Monday. E-mail records are missing for 51 of the 88 White House officials who had electronic message accounts with the Republican National Committee.

"Given the heavy reliance by White House officials on RNC e-mail accounts, the high rank of the White House officials involved, and the large quantity of missing e-mails," the report said, "the potential violation of the Presidential Records Act may be extensive."

This is what we get when WE the people allow a President to go unchecked by a Republican House and Senate. They have let this President and his Administration have its way with America and its laws.

Republicans said there is no evidence that the law was violated or that the missing e-mails were of a government rather than political nature.

Tony Snow said of the claim: "That's an allegation. We will respond to it in due course."

The report said the House committee may need to issue subpoenas "to obtain the cooperation of the Bush Cheney '04 campaign." It said the campaign acknowledges providing e-mail accounts "to 11 White House officials, but the campaign has unjustifiably refused to provide the committee with basic information about these accounts, such as the identity of the White House officials and the number of e-mails that have been preserved.

When will we demand this President and his Administration start following the laws of the United States?

When will we demand impeachment for the criminal offense this Administration seem to think they are above?

What say you?


Larry said...

Bush and Snow will respond in due course after Rove gets some underling set up for the fall.

LET'S TALK said...

Maybe the fall want come, since we are looking at a President who seems to walk on water and we all just let him.

Real_PHV_Mentarch said...

Great post!

It is the way of incompetents to obfuscate, disassemble, lie, and distort facts in order to protect themselves and their incompetent ilk.

Sadly enough.

LET'S TALK said...

That's what we always get from this Administration ans his party.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

I think Rove will fry on this and the violation of the Hatch Act. ;)

LET'S TALK said...

He really needs to fry over this.

Tom Harper said...

It's bad enough that the Republican Congress has been nothing more than a fox guarding the henhouse. But our new Democratic "leadership" doesn't even have that excuse. Every time they start to show evidence of possible gonads, they flinch and step back and decide to keep going along to get along. We The People need to scream louder because our congressional "representatives" (of either party) won't do their jobs unless we prod them.

Who Hijacked Our Country

LET'S TALK said...

Political Realm, we might not ever know the truth from this Administration.

tom harper, it seems that the media want do theirs either.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

I am demanding impeachment now!! It's long overdue..

1138 said...

I don't think Congress can actually punish Rove, about the biggest thing they can do is censure him.
Alberto hoever is sitting in a very vulnerable post - he can be impeached and removed.

Tom is right, the American voter needs to scream loud and long AFTER an election, not just before and during.

LET'S TALK said...

suie-q, I'm right there with you.

1138, there's a lot more that can be done through the courts besides just to censure him.

Leo said...

I say, you're absolutely right!! Bush and most of his administration, esp. Cheney belong impeached and in prison. Great post!

LET'S TALK said...

You are correct Leo, but I don't think that will happen

Bob said...

Sure it has to be done, but who's going to. There's no centralized organization pushing for it, just thousands of blogs and organizations like Moveon.org, etc. If the democrats in congress weren't such wimps and babies there might be a chance, but hell, Pelosi won't even put it on the table.

Where to go to support it, theres the question. I've written to my congressmen until my fingers ached and never got a response. I've written to Reid and Pelosi and never gotten a response.

Representatives... what a laugh

LET'S TALK said...

Just maybe us bloggers can come up with something, let's face it Americans are not going to get off their butts and do nothing but complain.

1138 said...

The courts yes, Congress no.

Bob said...

You're right, Larry. We know blogs have power, the power of a voice with a medium to amplify it, and the politicians know it too. But like Americans, the blogs each have their say, but are scattered and each on their own are less powerful than a united front, a blog lobby if you may. I can write to my congress and you can write to yours demanding impeachment, but can you imagine the power of telling congress that "we of the Blog Voice of America, with 10000 blogs in membership and with millions of voters reading them demand impeachment". Which one would get their attention more?

LET'S TALK said...

Good point Bob, we now need to find a blog and server just to get started and blow this congress away with bloggers demands, much like moveon.org.

LET'S TALK said...

I didn't forget you 1138, yes the courts must start this, but remeber it's the job of the House and Senate to make this type move.

Snave said...

Good job writing this post, LT.

Over at J. Marquis' blog "Major Conflict" there is a nice fellow who tends to disagree with us often, but whose posts are welcome, of course. He wants us on the left to lose what he refers to as the false left-right paradigm. My response is that there IS a left-right paradigm out of necessity, because the common enemy is the neocons, and the neocons are Republicans who are being enabled by fellow Republicans. Good, smart Republicans (and there are PLENTY of them in America who don't like what the neocons are doing to their party) need to bite the bullet and help the left get the neocons out of power, even if it means electing Democrats in landslides in 08. They need to realize that four years of Dems in complete control can't be ANY worse than having (hopefully) survived eight years of having neoconservative Republicans in complete control. Until that happens, I feel that a left-right paradigm is not false, but justifiable.

And as much as the right likes to talk about schisms in the Democratic party, that is just more projection on their part, given the nature of the problems that party faces... what with its unholy alliances of fundamentalist religionist, fiscal conservatives, corporate interests... and now divisions within the party over how much to support Bush and the wars. Some GOP Senators are speaking out against the wars, but they are still voting to support them. If Dems play their cards right, they can really make that play well in 2008.

The more stories Americans see like this item you posted, the harder it will be for them to vote for Republicans in 2008. And yes, obviously other candidates can say they "aren't Bush", but most of them can't say they haven't been enabling him for what will have been eight years by 08. The Dems need to CALL these GOP Senators on this, BIG TIME.

LET'S TALK said...

Thanks snave, you know I went through my You Tube videos and erase most all because I though I would used Google.

I've now decided to use both and wish only that I had saved the videos.

I cannot give the Republicans a pass on anything that this President does. The House and Senate Republicans continue to do enough of that even now.

They are also the cause to what this country is going through. They have closed their eyes and allowed our government to be taken over by a corrupted Administration that has destroyed American and made this country a Joke to others.